And so it begins...
Who's who
Military Strategy and Technology
The Last Hundred Days
To glorify your military. The German and British naval rivalry, in which each nation tried to build a larger fleet, is an example of this WWI cause.
What is militarism?
This German leader often issued threats and challenges to other nations.
Who is Kaiser Wilhelm II?
Fighting along the French and German border was known as.
What is the Western Front?
The barren wasteland between opposing army trenches. During nightfall, both sides would dispatch parties to spy on the enemy and to repair barbed wire posts.
What is no man's land?
The Great War officially ended on this hour, day, and month, of 1919.
What is 11:00 am November 11th?
The Triple Entente, comprising of Britain, Russia, and France is an example of this WWI cause.
What are alliances?
This member of the Black Hand Gang assassinated the Archduke of Austria.
Who is Gavrilo Princip?
A reaction to the trauma of war experienced by some soldiers. Characterized by panic, an inability to reason, sleep, walk, or talk.
What is Shell Shock?
The protection system implemented by the Allies to transport supply ships.
What is a convoy?
Monetary payments made by Germany and the Central Powers for the death and destruction resulting from WWI.
What are reparations?
The event known as the spark that ignited the "powder keg", officially starting WWI.
What is the assassination of Archduke of Austria Franz Ferdinand?
Russia's last emperor.
Who is Czar Nicholas II?
A severe form of gingivitis that causes painful, infected, and bleeding gums. The result of poor nutrition and living conditions.
What is Trench mouth?
This German strategy failed, but it was the idea that fighting one front is better than having to fight two.
What is the Schlieffen Plan?
US President Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace included "freedom of the seas" and "less weapons in the world". The German's thought this plan sounded fair.
What is "The Fourteen Points"?
The search for overseas colonies in order to extract raw materials for industry by major European nations.
What is imperialism?
Canada's Minister of Militia who sponsored the development of the Ross Rifle.
Who is Sam Hughes?
In 1917, Prime Minister Robert Borden passed this act in an attempt to recruit more soldiers. This caused much divide between English and French Canadians.
What is the Military Service Bill?
This new chemical warfare was deployed during the Battle of Ypres.
What is mustard gas?
The Germans were forced to sign this treaty which included the "War Guilt Clause" and the borders of Europe to be redrawn.
What is the Treaty of Versailles?
A deep feeling of love and loyalty to ones' own nation.
What is nationalism?
Considered to be among the most capable commanders of the Western Front, and one of the finest commanders in Canadian military history.
Who is Arthur Currie?
This act gave broad emergency powers to the Canadian government to maintain security and order during war. It was used, controversially, in WWI to imprison Canadians of German, Ukrainian, and Slavic descent.
What is the War Measures Act?
The equivalent of 80 rifles, this new gun could fire 400-600 small-caliber rounds per minute.
What is a machine gun?
The land the French obtained from Germany after the war.
What is Alsace and Lorraine?