Key Terms
What the WHAT?!
Why were Americans required to ration certain goods?
The U.S. had to provide food and goods to all Allied soldiers, so there wasn't enough for everyone to have as much as they wanted. Americans had to cut back on their consumption in order to have enough for the troops.
What condition was Europe in after the war?
Most cities were in ruins, factories, roads, railroads were destroyed, many people were homeless and starving.
Which term refers to Americans being encouraged to grow their own food?
victory gardens
Why were women needed in the factories?
So many young men had joined the military during the war that the factories did not have enough workers. So women were needed.
DAILY DOUBLE! What did the Soviet Union build in 1949 and who helped them build it?
An atomic bomb. American scientists secretly gave the Soviets certain secret information to help them build it.
Why were Americans encouraged to grow their own food?
Because the big farms were sending food to the troops, there wasn't enough food for all Americans to have as much as they wanted. If Americans grew their own food, there would be more available to the troops.
What is the goal of the United Nations?
To bring all of the countries together to protect peace in the world.
Which term refers to Americans having a limited supply of goods like meat, sugar, and wheat?
Who were the Tuskegee Airmen?
African-American fighter pilots nicknamed "red tails" and were considered some of the best fighter pilots in the war.
DAILY DOUBLE! What did Stalin do with the Eastern European countries. Why?
He installed communist governments in those countries that were under the guidance of the Soviet Union. He did this to give the Soviet Union a buffer zone between them and their enemies.
How did World War II bring America out of the Great Depression?
Before the war, the country had an unemployment rate of 15%. When the war started, millions of young men joined the military, which opened up jobs at home for other Americans to have. The country needed to build weapons, tanks, planes, etc. which required people working in factories. Unemployment almost disappeared.
DAILY DOUBLE! What was the Marshall Plan?
The government spent $13 billion helping to rebuild Western Europe. This was also a way to try to prevent Communism from spreading to those countries.
What was Executive Order 9066?
The government's orders to send all Japanese-Americans to internment camps.
Who were the American Nisei regiments?
Japanese-American soldiers who first served as translators and later fought bravely, suffering more casualties than any other regiment.
What is the Truman Doctrine and why was it created?
It was America's decision to help stop communist revolutions in other countries to try to contain it in the world. It was created because America was worried that if communism kept spreading, it would eventually spread to America.
Who was Rosie the Riveter and what was she a symbol of?
Rosie was a fictional character who symbolized strong women working in the factories.
What happened to Japan's government after the war?
The emperor stayed in power, but lost most of his power. General MacArthur created a new constitution for the government which installed a democracy and guaranteed equal rights to the people.
A government service that provided money for college for U.S. veterans of war.
GI Bill
What did women, Navajos, African-Americans, and Japanese-Americans have in common during the war?
They were all minorities who American society had prejudices against. They were each needed to step up and prove their strength and abilities to the country, and all succeeded in doing so.
List three details about Capitalism and three details about Communism.
Capitalism: people have the freedom to choose their careers. Freedom to manage your money how you want. People own their possessions and businesses. The government has little control over businesses. Communism: the government owns all businesses. People make the same amount of money and given the same amount of food and goods. The government chooses your career for you. Religion is banned.
Which president did each of the following: Made the decision to drop the atomic bomb. Believed the wealthy had an obligation to help the poor. Created a policy to prevent the spread of Communism. Was president during the creation of the United Nations. Was president during the Great Depression.
Truman. Roosevelt. Truman. Truman. Roosevelt.
What happened to Germany after the war?
Germany was split in half: West Germany and East Germany. The U.S. occupied West Germany until they got their country stable. The Soviet Union controlled East Germany permanently with a "puppet government." Berlin, which was in the east, was also divided in half, the west belonging to West Germany and the east belonging to East Germany. Germany remained divided until 1989.
The organization that guided and oversaw the factories that produced military weapons.
War Production Board
Describe Japanese internment. Why did our government think it was necessary? What were the conditions like in the internment camps? What was life like for Japanese-Americans after internment?
Our government feared that some Japanese-Americans may be spies or create a security threat, so all Japanese-Americans were sent to camps in far away, desolate places. Families had to live in one room in poorly built buildings that often lacked heating. The camps were surrounded by barbed wire and guards with rifles pointed at them. Anyone who tried to escape was shot.
Describe how politics and nations changed after the war.
Most great powers ended up broke and in ruins after the war. Most European countries lost their colonies. All of Eastern Europe was under the control of the Soviet Union and given communist governments. Japan's government became a democracy. Germany was split in half. America became the world's superpower and was wealthier than ever. The competition between capitalism and communism started shortly after the war.