The German battle plan had them invade this small country first.
Who is Belgium
This weapon was first used against Canadians at Ypres.
What is chlorine gas.
The war officially ended on this day of this month of this year at this time. This is otherwise known as what?
What is November 11, 1918 at 11am, Armistice.
He wrote the poem, "In Flanders Fields".
Who is John McCrae.
The first major Battle Canadians participated in during WW1.
What is the Battle of Ypres.
Austria sent this to Serbia (or else...)
What is an ultimatum
This weapon was made the war much more deadly due to the amount of bullets that could be fired per minute.
What is the machine gun.
These people were nicknamed the "Bluebirds" during WW1.
Who are nurses.
Who is American President Woodrow Wilson.
This was called the bloodiest battle of WW1
What is the Battle of Somme.
What are the M A I N reasons for WW1...
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, and Nationalism.
The world's largest non-nuclear explosion occurred here.
Halifax Harbour.
He was the Prime Minster of Canada during WW1.
Who is Robert Borden.
This battle was fought mostly in the mud.
What is Passchendale.
These 3 main countries form the Central Powers.
Who are Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.
This vehicle made the Red Baron and Billy Bishop famous.
What are airplanes.
This country was one of the last to join the allies in battle.
Who is the USA.
Canada became well know as a brave country because of their victory in this battle.
What is Vimy Ridge.
This man shot the Arch Duke.
Who is Gavrillo Princip.
This is the average lifespan of a WW1 pilot
What is 3 weeks.
As the number of volunteers dwindled, Canada created this law forcing men to go to war.
What is conscription.