US and its changing position
A lasting peace
On the Homefront
These are pointed to as the "main" causes of WWI
What is Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism,and Nationalism?
The sinking of this passenger ship upset many Americans and almost brought us into war.
What is the Lusitania?
He came to Paris with fourteen points for peace.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
In an effort to raise money for the war effort, the US government began promoting and selling these.
What are war bonds?
Germany, Austria Hungary and the Ottoman Empire were known as the ___________________.
What are the Central Powers?
The first nation to declare war in the chain of events that resulted in WWI.
What is Austria-Hungary?
The controversial telegram which brought us into World War One.
What is the Zimmermann Note?
The day and time of the armistice which ended the fighting in the great war.
What is November 11 at 11 - the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month?
The Espionage and Sedition Acts violated this constitutional amendment.
What is the first?
This area was referred to as the "powder keg" of Europe.
What are the Balkans?
His assassination triggered World War I.
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
The policy of Americans staying out of other nation's conflict.
What is isolationism?
Name the "Big Four" nations represented at the Treaty of Versailles.
What are Italy, United States, Britain and France?
Define the Great Migration.
What is the movement of African Americans from the South to the North during WWI?
The world peace organization that Wilson envisioned to keep peace after WWI.
What is the League of Nations?
Germany invaded this neutral nation which prompted Great Britain to declare war on Germany.
What is Belgium?
Name 2 reasons Wilson gave for proclaiming the United States neutral at the start of WWI?
What is they needed someone to be a mediator and there were so many immigrants there were divided loyalties among Americans?
Name 2 new nations created as a result of the Treaty of Versailles.
What is Finland, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Syria, Iraq, Yugoslavia, etc.
This act required men ages 18 and older to register for military service.
What is the Selective Service Act?
The assassin, whose shot triggered the events of WWI.
Who is Garvilo Princip?
Strategically, declaring war on both France and Russia within days of one another resulted in Germany having to do this.
What is fight a two front war on the East and West?
What 2 reasons did Wilson give for entering the war?
What is to make the world safe for democracy and the submarine warfare?
Name 2 weaknesses of the Treaty of Versailles.
What is it was a document that was out for revenge, not peace, it did not include all the people involved in the war, it took land away from allies, etc.
Americans were very anti-German during the war effort, give 2 examples of things that were changed because of their German name or affiliation.
What is hamburgers became salisbury steak? Saukerkraut became liberty cabbage? Orchestras would not play the music of Brahms or Beethoven, etc.
Name 2 weapons of mechanized warfare that were introduced in WWI.
What are machine guns, tanks, airplanes, poison gas, etc.