Name of the two groups the nations were divided in during WWI.
The Allies and the Central power.
Name of the presidents that created the New Deal.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Which 3 countries invaded others and started the WWII?
Germany, Italy and Japan
Complete the sentence.
Cities in Europe were_____________ after the WWII and they needed to be reconstructed.
The order in which the nations surrendered in WWII.
Italy September 1943
Germany May 1945
Japan August 1945
How did Britain prevent Germany from getting war supplies?
By making a blockade using ships.
How did the Dust Bowl affect the People?
Farms and towns were covered in dust and people had to leave their homes.
What invasion caused France and Britain to declare war?
The invasion from Germany to Poland.
The U.S Helped Europe and other countries and created the__________________
Marshall Plan.
When was the New Deal Created?
In 1933
The assassination of who was one of the reasons that caused the WWI.
The assassination of the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand
When did the Great Depression begin?
October 1929
The name of the team or side that was formed by France, Great Britain, Russia, China and the U.S.A.
The Allies
Why was the United Nations formed?
To Help keep the peace and make sure people were treated equally.
World War II began and ended in....
September 1st, 1939- September 2nd, 1945
Why did The U.S enter the war?
Because of the attacks suffered from the Central power and the possible alliance between Mexico and Germany
What was the purpose of the New Deal?
The government would give people jobs to do and get money.
What main event caused the U.S.A to join the World War II?
The Attack of the Japanese to the U.S navy in Pearl Harbor.
The U.S.A became the first country to drop a____________
Nuclear bomb
Why did Europe create Blackouts?
To protect cities From bomb attacks.
Name some Countries that formed the Central power and Allies.
Allies (France, United Kingdom, Russia)
Central Power (Germany, Austria-Hungary).
The reason that made a lot of businesses close during the Great Depression.
The value of stock drop.
Banks closing.
What is the D-Day?
The day when the Allies pushed out the Axis power from France and other invaded countries ( D-Day) means Defeat Day.
The year the Marshall plan was created.
Date of the Pearl Harbor attack.
December 7 1941