This colour is on the left side of Ireland's flag
What is Green
This is the capital of Greece
What is Athens
This flower is the provincial flower of Alberta
Wild Rose
Mount Everest is part of this mountain range
This is the currency in Mexico
This Irish city has a famous Spanish Arch
what is galway
This is the largest island in Greece?
What is Crete
This US state borders Alberta
What is Montana
These three colours are on the Mexican flag
Green, white, red
In what college library would you find the Book of Kells?
Trinity College
Greece is part of this peninsula?
What is the Balkan Peninsula
This town is world famous for their ice cream shop McKays
What is Cochrane
This is the world longest continental mountain range
In Mexican folklore, who left a sword slash as his trademark?
This city is famous for it's crystal
What is Waterford
This sea lies to the east of Greece
What is the Aegean Sea
What is 1905
This is Africa's largest lake
What is Lake Victoria
This word is used to describe a short nap in the afternoon
The Irish Potato Famine occurred in this decade
What is the 1840s
The Parthenon was built in honor of this wise and well-known Greek goddess
Who is Athena
This highway passes through Fort McMurray
What is highway 63
This landlocked sea in the world's lowest lake
Dead Sea
These two countries border Mexico to the south
Guatemala and Belize