What is what Biblical Christians believe about THEOLOGY - One Monotheistic Personal God
The Bible 66 books - Divine & Perfect
What is what Christianity believes about SCRIPTURE
Mind / Body Dualism
What is what Christians Believe about PSYCHOLOGY. The mind is more than the brain it also has an unseen part called the mind (spiritual).
Moral Absolutes
What is what Christians believe about ETHICS. Right & wrong is based on the character of God which never changes
Intelligent Design (Creationism)
What is what Christians believe about the origin of life and its development - BIOLOGY
What is what Biblical Christians believe about PHILOSOPHY - Real is the natural (physical) and the unseen (spiritual)
Absolute Control / God's Glory
What is what Biblical Christians believe about SOVEREIGNTY - God is always in control of all things big and small.
Traditional Family, Church, State
What is what Christians believe about SOCIOLOGY (society). There are 3 sphere's Family (Father, Mother, Child) State (God, Gov., Individual), Church (God, Jesus, Body)
Special and General Revelation
What is what Christians believe about REVELATION (how God has revealed ethics to us). Through His Word 1st - The Bible, and then through General Revelation 2nd - Logic, Reason, what works, experience, etc..
Creation, Fall, Redemption
What is what Christians believe about History. It all comes back to God's creation of all things, His sovereign plan of redemption, and mans sin and need for salvation.
Absolute Truth
What is what Biblical Christians believe about TRUTH (VERITOLOGY) Overarching Truths that are true for all people at all times
Saved By Jesus Death and Resurrection
What is what Christians believe about SALVATION.
Absolute Beauty
What is what Christians believe about Fine Arts. The standard of beauty and truth is God's Character. All things started out as good and Satan and sin twist them into something ugly and full of lies
Love God and Serve others
What is what Christians believe about our ultimate RESPONSIBILITY in living out our ethical beliefs. Our motivation for our ethics should be be case we love and God and then serve others.
Divine / Natural Law
What is what Christians believe about Law. God has divinely given us law based on his character and will. It comes in the forms of Moral Law, Physical Law and then Civil Law.
Image of God & Basically Sinful
What is what Biblical Christians believe about ANTHROPOLOGY - All man is made in the image of God, yet we are diseased by sin from birth
God brings about life transformation
What is what Christians believe about SANCTIFICATION?
Expression of Absolute Beauty and Truth
What is what Christians believe about Media. Media should reflect true beauty and truth in its expression of music, movies, etc.
God Glorified and Self Satisfied
What is what Christians believe about the Results of living out Biblical Ethics. God is made much of in our lives and we experience a truly satisfied life because we are glorifying Him.
Justice, Freedom, Order
What is what Christians believe about Politics. Government's (the state) job, based on God's law, is to reward good and punish evil and not to take over the role of the family or church.