True or False
Evolution vs. Creation

True Science definition 

What is the ability to observe, test, and reproduce. 


The Evolutionary Model began with this person.

Who is Charles Darwin? 


Knowledge that comes from testing and observing is true science and everything else that we cannot test, observe, or reproduce is based on a belief and worldview. 



Creationists believe the world began supernaturally with a design and purpose. 

Evolutionists believe the world began with a big bang and all of this world has no purpose or design. 

What is the disagreement over the origin of the universe


Definition of Destiny

What is the purpose of life that can be discovered or achieved


The Evolutionary Model has been around forever.

False. It was presented in 1859. 


Models are made by people who know everything about a subject.

False. They do not know everything. They make up models to try to explain something they don't know about. 


Creationists believe that life can only come from living things and that all creatures are reproduced by their own kinds. 

Evolutionists believe that life can come from non-living things and that it happened by chance and living things change from one kind of animal into a totally different kind. 

What is the disagreement between where life came from? 


Definition of Dispersion 

What is the scattering of people?


Creation worldview can be believed because of this reason. 

What is: God said it, and He was there when it happened. 

Using the word "evolution" is bad.

False. We can use this term as long as we are not referring to the Model of Evolution for the origin or start of the world. For instance, it is okay to say that cars have evolved over time because someone with an intelligent design made the changes happen. 


Creationists believe Man was created in God's image and all mankind originated with Adam and Eve. 

Evolutionists believe Man evolved from a monkey. 

What is the disagreement over Man?


Definition of the word evolution.

What is a gradual process where something changes into a different and more complex form?


Biblical History is described with this acronym. 

BRIDGE: Beginning, Rebellion, Indignation, Dispersion, Gospel, Ending


Compromising what the Bible says with what the world says is okay.

False. The Bible should never be compromised in any way. 


Creationists believe that the earth's features (rocks, fossils, layers, canyons, etc.) were the result of the Global Flood that transformed the original world to what it is now. 

Evolutionists believe that millions of years of change caused the world we see today. 

What is the disagreement about Earth?


Definition of Supernatural.

What is something that cannot be explained by natural laws? 


The event at the Tower of Babel where people were separated all over the world through the changing of their language.

What is dispersion? 


Indignation refers to God's righteous anger and the worldwide Flood that He used to punish the earth and its inhabitants. 

True. Indignation means "righteous anger." 


Creationists believe that there is a natural world that we can see and there is a world with supernatural forces or beings that we cannot see with our eyes but can see the impact of their actions. 

Evolutions claim to believe only in natural causes and no supernatural forces. However, for something like the Big Bang to occur, it would take something quite supernatural. 

What is the disagreement of Supernatural things?