This is the definition of God and your heart going out to something.
What is love?
This is the primary way that God communicates with His people.
What is the Bible?
He is your greatest need.
Who is God?
This is the attribute of God that is found in Psalm 90:4, "For a thousand years in your sight are but as yesterday when it is past, or as a watch in the night."
What is eternality?
This is the definition of God's righteousness
What is goodness?
This is the mysterious doctrine that God is three persons, who all share in the divine nature.
What is the Trinity?
These things are not good at interpreting what is true.
Who are people?
This means all-knowing.
What is beauty?
This has always existed from eternity because of the Trinity.
What is love?
This is Jesus taking on flesh.
What is the incarnation?
This means that God does not change.
What is unchanging/immutable?
This is the definition of God's interpretation of reality.
What is truth?
This is the awareness of right and wrong that God placed in the human heart.
What is a conscience?
This is the ultimate end of history.
What is God's glory?
This is the attribute of God that is found in Psalm 135:6: "Whatever the LORD pleases, he does, in heaven and on earth, in the seas and all deeps."
What is omnipotent/all-powerful?
This is the significances of Christ's incarnation.
What is He became one of us and is for/with us.
This is to love your neighbor as yourself and God with all your being.
What are the greatest commandments?
This is the reason that God does anything.
What is for Himself?
This is how God is available to us.
What is the person and work of Christ, even though He is transcendent (far above anything)
This is the attribute of God that is found from Exodus 3:14: "I AM THAT I AM."
What is self-existence?
What is His amazing reputation, glowing magnificence that surrounds Him, and the beauty that radiates from God's perfections.