Mothers and Sons
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Mother of Jesus 

Who is Mary? 


This is flexible enough to pick up a blade of grass and strong enough to uproot a tree, it can also be used  like a straw. 

What is an elephant's trunk? 


The apostle called the Beloved 

Who is John? 


You want to be one of these if you are ready to preach about Jehovah

What is an unbaptized publisher? 


My older cousin Mordecai raised me, I became a queen when Vashti acted badly, I showed modesty, faith and courage and revealed Haman's wicked plan. 

Who is Esther? 


Mother of John the Baptizer 

Who is Elizabeth? 


Jehovah made my feet not to freeze even when standing on the ice, but my favorite thing to do is steal your french fries at the beach and fly away. 

What is a seagull


I started out a friend, but later betrayed Jesus with a kiss

Who is Judas Iscariot? 


Name 2 series on for young people

Become Jehovah's Friend (Caleb and Sophia), White board animations, My Teen Life, What your Peers Say, Young People Ask, Learn from Jehovah's Friends 


I was a seller of purple dye or clothing, known for my hospitality to Paul and his companions. 

Who is Lydia? 


Twin sons of Rebekah, one traded his birthright to the other for a bowl of stew

Who are Jacob and Esau? 


My unique voice box has 2 chambers, and can produce 2 different notes at the same time. I can perform my own duet. I am nature's DJ, I can even perform a remix. 

What are songbirds? 


We are 2 sets of brothers, all fishermen and we abandoned that life to follow Jesus wherever he preached. 

Who are Peter, Andrew, James and John? 


Theme of the 2024 Convention 

What is 'Declare the Good News"? 


My sister and I followed Jesus, my sister was distracted with making a lot of food, but I chose the good portion, to sit and listen to Jesus teach.(Name both) 

Who are Martha and Mary? 


Timothy's mother, and  for a bonus grandmother 

Who is Lois? Who is Eunice? 


Sour, salty, sweet, and bitter make up this

What is your sense of taste? 


It's safe to say, I am Jesus closest Friend. We spent eons of time together, just the two of us. He was my Master worker during creation.

Who Is Jehovah? 


Number of languages is available 

What is 1,091? 


There is a drama about me, warning of the snare of materialism. I looked back and was turned into a pillar of salt. 

Who is the wife of Lot? 


Eli accused me of being drunk while praying for my son. Name both of us.  

Who are Hannah and Samuel? 


206 these are in your body. The longest is the femur, the smallest is the stapes, located inside your ear. Break one and you'll be sorry.

What are bones? 


Jesus was often at my house, he was friends with my 2 sisters and me and he brought me back to life 4 days after I died.  

Who is Lazarus? 


Number of congregations that use our Kingdom Hall, and the languages they speak.

What is three? 2 English and 1 Russian


If I offer you milk, you should think twice, I made Sisera, the Caananite army chief sleepy and put a tent pin through his head. 

Who is Jael?