This worship team culture statement is described as: No one should be happier than us as we serve God by serving each other!
What is...
Serve with joy
This day of the week is when leaders send a weekly team message to the Basecamp campfire.
What is...
This position, which is tasked with overseeing the church, is held by Gregg, Jordan, and Duncan.
What is...
an elder
This is the specific call time when you must arrive on a Sunday for rehearsal.
What is...
1:30 p.m.
This is something every member of the worship team should be doing during the week before a scheduled Sunday.
What is...
This worship team culture statement, about being a team, is called "stand ____"
What is...
This day of the week is when we typically meet for a monthly team meeting.
What is...
This event is held after service on the 4th Sunday of each month.
What is...
the Join the Roots class
This is the time that team huddle starts on a Sunday before service.
What is...
3:30 p.m.
Along with shorts and tank tops, these are also not allowed to be worn on platform.
What are...
-Short dresses
-Short skirts
-Leggings as pants
-Low cut tops
This two-word worship team culture statement about "having a proper place" could formerly be found on a Roots connect team t-shirt.
What is...
You belong
The day of the month you must enter your block out dates by.
What is...
10th of every month
This restaurant in Lacey is the gathering place for both the men's and women's ministries.
What is...
This week of the month is when we typically meet for a monthly team meeting.
What is...
week 1
This is the official, more formal name for the Worship Team.
What is...
the Creative Arts Team
"Serving on a ministry team" falls under which of the four parts of The Roots' mission?
What is...
We love people
This is the first step you should take when you realize you cannot serve a scheduled service.
What is...
Report to your worship leader right away, and find a replacement if they need you to
The Roots' Mission Statement contains four pieces including "We Love God," and these three.
What is...
We Love People, We Reach The Lost, and We Make Disciples
This alternative to a team meeting can be had at locations like a pumpkin patch or a bowling alley.
What is...
a team hangout (or outing).
Being a continued learner, which is vital to our growth as a Christian, can be accomplished through these suggested ways.
What is...
-Bible reading plan
-Listening to podcasts and sermons
-Reading books (on leadership, prayer, marriage, discipleship, finances, etc.)
"It's all about Jesus," "It's not about me," "We are all in." and "Speak life" are all worship team culture statements, which are a reminder of what?
What is...
-What's most important
-How we should act as followers of Jesus who serve in His church
This is what you need to do when a new schedule is released each month.
What is...
accept your serving requests.
In this year, the Roots Community Church held its first service at the Lacey Community Center.
What is...
The number of hours within which we ask you to respond to any communication.
What is...
48 hours
This is the worship team's team target.
What is...
Create excellent worship experiences that prepare our hearts to receive from God.