The Homily is a way to learn about God's ____ and how to be good people.
What is the first principle article in the apostles creed?
Our belief in ___ ___ ______ (three, three, six)
God the Father
How does the priest introduce the Prayer of the Faithful?
The priest invites the faithful to pray.
Ep. 7: Sacred Vessels on the Altar
What do the vessels symbolize?
It is a symbol for Christ.
What is the purpose of the Homily?
The Homily helps us understand the meaning of the _________ (nine letters) and learn how to become more like Christ.
What is the second principle article in the apostles creed?
His only begotten Son Jesus who died so that we might have ____ (four).
Who generally reads the prayer intentions?
A deacon or lector.
Episode 9: the greeting
How to we respond when the priest says, “chúa ờ cùng anh chị em
Và ờ cùng cha.
The priest's homily will use the scriptures proclaimed as a framework to help us understand a relationship with ___ (three).
What is the third principle article in the apostles creed?
___ ____ ______, (three, four, six) that proceeds from both the Father and the Son.
The Holy Spirit
What is the first guideline of the intentions?
For the needs of the ______ (six).
Ep. 8: The Ambo
Why is the Ambo sacred?
It is the platform from where God speaks to us.
How can the Homily help us in life?
The Homily can challenge, help inform, and bring scripture into our _____ _____ (two five letter words, second word is plural).
Daily lives
What is the fourth principle article in the apostles creed?
We profess/affirm our belief in the ______, (six) that is: One Holy Catholic, and Apostolic.
What is the fourth guideline of the intentions?
For the local _________ (nine).
Ep. 16: The Lector
how do you prepare to be a lector?
Scripturally, practically, and ___________ (eleven).
The Homily serves as a moment of __________ (ten) and catechism.
Why do we bow our heads during the second principle article? (His only begotten Son Jesus who died so that we might have life)
Show our _______ (seven) and _________ (nine) for the moment when God became one of us.
Respect and adoration
What are we able to do after the intentions have been announced?
During this time we are able to ________ (eight) offer our prayer intentions to our loving Father.
Ep. 17: The liturgy of the Word
What does the Gospel contain?
The life and story of Jesus Christ.