What is the WUC?
Werner University Center
What resources does the Math center provide?
Provides free math tutoring
What happens within New PE? List 2
Sports games (Basketball and Volleyball), Athletic Offices, and student orientations
What are meal swipes?
They are swipes you can use to get a meal at the dining hall or at the summit
What building is BELL
Bellamy Hall
What resources does the Student Health and Counseling have for WOU students?
Provides healthcare resources for students, and provides counseling
What is the student success center’s goal for WOU students?
Provide advising and support services for students
What is the name of the dining hall?
What does RWEC stand for?
Richard Woodcock Education Center
What resources does the Welcome Center provide? Name two.
Wolfstore, Cafe Allegro, MSSP, The Summit, Abby’s House, Stonewall Center, Triangle Alliance, ASWOU, Veteran’s Resource Center, Freedom Center
Which building holds the financial aid office?
Welcome Center
What are the names of WOU's three dorm buildings?
Heritage Hall, Ackerman Hall, and Landers Hall
What is NSE?
National Student Exchange (Study Abroad)
What is Abby’s House?
A resource for students to find any help or assistance they may need
Which building contains other dining options?
The Werner University Center (WUC)
What additional dining options are there here at WOU?
The Summit and Cafe Allegro in the WUC
What building is MNB?
Winters Math and Nursing Building
What is TPSSS and TRIO?
They are two programs who provides services and a supportive environment for students who are first-generation, low-income, or have documented disabilities with skills to be successful in college. TPSSS specifically helps students in those areas, who also are in the education program.
Which building holds printing options and the writing center?
Wayne and Lynn Hammersly Library
Where is the housing office located?
First floor of Ackerman Hall