Without the Microphone this epoch would have had a hard time changing the way that people everywhere relax and enjoy their spare time.
What is the Entertainment Epoch?
In this Sci-Fi action Thriller by Michael Bay, all of the explosions would be less than amazing if we could not hear them.
What is Transformers?
This popular social media website would have had a rough time gaining momentum if people could only post silent movies on it.
What is Youtube?
Without the microphone it would be hard to imagine that this "King of Pop" would be as influential as he was?
Who is Michael Jackson?
Without the Microphone it is doubtful that we would have ever heard about this great mans dream.
Who is Martin Luther King Jr.?
Because of this Epoch combined with the use of the microphone, normal people everywhere are able to record and post what they feel about any subject or topic.
What is the Internet?
In this great movie we watched in class, we have seen that journalists would probably have a hard time bringing information to people over the airwaves if we can't hear them. It would have almost been impossible to hear this amazing quote at the end of all of Edward Murrows broadcasts.
What is Good Night and Good Luck?
This industry would not be the same without the microphone. It might even be non-existent.
What is the Music Industry?
This young man is a credit to the power of the microphone because before he was able to use one on stage, he gained popularity posting videos on the web.
Who is Justin Bieber?
Hofstra may have been able to host these, but never would have been able to broadcast them if it wasn't for the microphone.
What are the Debates?
This epoch showed the importance of the microphone because it is the time period during which it was invented!
What is the Early Mass Media epcoh?
This Disney classic would be nothing more than a lesson on the habits of African jungle animals without recording equipment.
What is the Lion King?
This Company would have had a hard time showing instant movies in your home if they were all silent.
What is Netflix?
These two are known as the greatest songwriters of all time. They have written more songs together than anyone else. *Hint* We learned about this in Trivia
Who are John Lennon and Paul McCartney?
This invention was key to the microphones creation, however without the microphone this invention couldn't have been created.
What is the telephone?
Nothing changed in these two early epochs because the microphone wasn't invented.
What are the Writing and Printing Epochs?
Because of the microphone the phrase "Say hello to my little friend" was coined from this movie.
What is Scarface?
This Video Messaging app would be great for looking at people you know, but that would be about all it was good for without the microphone
What is Skype?
This performer probably wouldn't have been able to interrupt any award shows if the microphone was never inevented.
Who is Kanye West?
It would be difficult for this oligopoly to exist if microphones didn't exist either.
What is the Big Six?