Who was taken out of man?
Eve - (Genesis 2:23)
What wife of David had been married to Nabal, who died when she told him of the gifts she had given to David?
Abigail - (1 Samuel 25:18-20)
Who was Ruth's sister-in-law?
Oprah - (Ruth 1:4)
What elderly cousin of Mary became the mother of John the Baptist?
Elizabeth - (Luke 1:12-13)
What queen traveled far to meet Solomon face to face?
Queen of Sheba - (1 Kings 10:1)
Who was turned into a pillar of salt?
Lot's wife - (Genesis 19:23-26)
What kind of women is talked about in the book of Proverbs chapter 31?
Virtuous Women - (Proverbs 31)
What Israelite woman lived in Moab but returned to Israel after her husband's death?
Naomi - (Ruth 1:1-4)
What two sisters of Bethany had a brother named Lazarus and were close friends of Jesus?
Mary and Martha - (Luke 10:38-42)
Who urged her husband to curse God and die?
Job's wife - (Job 2:9)
What Shepherd girl became the much-loved wife of Jacob?
Rachel - (Genesis 29:6)
Who nagged at David for dancing in the streets?
Michal (Saul's daughter)
1 Samuel 18:20
What Midianite woman married Moses?
Zipporah - (Exodus 2:21)
Who was the only female judge of Israel?
Deborah - (Judges 4:5) (Judges 4:4)
What Jewish girl married a Persian emperor and helped save her exiled people from extermination?
Esther - (Esther 2:16-17)
What was the name of Sarah's Egyptian maid?
Hagger - (Genesis 16:1 )
What woman was given as a wife after her future husband brought in 200 Philistine foreskins as a gift to her father?
Michal - (1 Samuel 18:27)
What Moabite was an ancestor of Jesus?
Ruth - (Ruth 4:17)
Who brought Samson down for the price of 1,100 pieces of silver from each of the Philistine chieftains?
Delilah - (Judges 16:5)
What Persian queen upset the king and his counselor by refusing to appear before them at their drunken banquet?
Vashti - (Esther 1:10-12)
Who was Abraham's wife after Sarah died?
Keturah - (Genesis 25:1)
What was Saul's wife's name?
Ahinoam - ( 1 Samuel 14:50)
What prophetess was the sister of two great leaders and was once afflicted with leprosy for being rebellious?
Miriam - (Exodus 15:20)
What widowed prophetess was eighty-four years old when she saw the young Jesus in the temple?
Anna - (Luke 2:36-38)
What dancer so enchanted Herod that he offered her anything she wished?
Herodias - (Matthew 14:1-11)