A photo of yourself holding a puppy
Yes, puppies are super cute!
A fish you have caught
Yes. What kind of fish eats mice? ... Catfish lol
An image of yourself with a new car
Yes, and congratulations on climbing the corporate ladder.
A post about yourself volunteering at a community event
Yes, its always great to help others!
Photos of yourself at the gym
Yes. But be careful or revealing/suggestive material!
A photo of a sleeping friend
No. You shouldn't be posting up pictures of people without their consent. Also it can be seen as childish!
A post wishing your mother a happy birthday
A post looking for recipe ideas
A post asking for suggestions for a really good lawyer
Probably not ... also I do not recommend Amber Heard's Lawyers lol
A post of you driving that you took yourself
No. Look out for the saftey of yourself and others ... plus those fines are HUGE!!!
A politically-fuelled post about something you are passionate about
Probably not. Try not to post up too much of you personal political beliefs!
A post that mocks or bullies a co-worker
Big No!!!
A video of you playing guitar and singing a new song you’ve learned to play
Yes. Very cool hobby!
Captions/update/tweet that contains profanity
Huge No!!!
A post that is a threat of violence to someone else
No. Also seek some help!
A post about how your boss or company is difficult to deal with
No. This is very unprofessional. Talk to your HR department if you need to address a concern!
A post about yourself participating in a protest
Depends on the protest, but to be on the safe side ... no you shouldn't! #justiceforjohnnydepp
An image or footage of you or friends attempting something reckless and dangerous
Definitely no. But YOLO !!
A post calling out a company
No. Very Unprofessional.
An image of your lunch…again
Yes ... but limit to one post per week please!
Drunk partying pictures online with the hashtag #AboutLastNight
NO!! But I heard Margarita's are top-tier
Post a selfie in your underwear
Strong No!!!
Photo of yourself with an alcoholic beverage
It's fine, as long as you don't seem intoxicated ...
Photo of yourself smoking any substance
A photo of anyone flipping off the camera
No. Thumbs-Up are much cooler