Kill 50 Rookery Whelps in 15 seconds (Feat of Strength, 'Jenkins' title)
Teebu's Blazing Longsword // Blade of Wizardry??
Blackrock Mountain, Burning Steppes // Searing Gorge
Highlord Alexandros Mograine (Naxxramas)
Savory Deviate Delight
Defeat Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas without anyone in the raid dying. (10 pts)
The Safety Dance
Dark Edge of Insanity (C'Thun)
Halls of Origination, Uldum
Argus the Unmaker (Antorus, the Burning Throne)
Six Demon Bag
Raise your reputation to Honored with the Bloodsail Buccaneers, and Exalted with Booty Bay, Everlook, Gadgetzan, Ratchet, Darkmoon Faire, and Ravenholdt. (Feat of Strength, 'the Insane' title)
Insane in the Membrane
Twinblade of the Phoenix (Kael'Thas, Tempest Keep)
Baradin Hold, Tol-Barad
Jan'alai (Zul'Aman)
Gnomish Army Knife
Defeat Lord Marrowgar without any raid member remaining impaled for more than 8 seconds. (10 pts)
Blazefury // Blazefury, Reborn
K3, The Storm Peaks
War Master Voone (Blackrock Spire)
Major Troll's Blood Potion
Win Arathi Basin by 50 points or less. (10 pts)
We Had It All Along *cough*
Sunflare (Kil'Jaeden)
The Twilight Grove, Duskwood
Hoptallus (Stormstout Brewery)
The Tempest Key