Photo Stories
Rules of Composition
Unit 1
Cultural Theories and Metaphors
Unit 2

Which Photo Story dealt with Dementia? What is Dementia? 

1) Heartstrings

2) Dementia is a condition that affects the brain, making it harder for a person to remember things, think clearly, or make decisions. It can also change how they behave and communicate. Dementia gets worse over time and mostly happens in older people, but it is not a normal part of aging. The most common type is Alzheimer’s disease. 


What is Rule of Thirds? 

Imagine that your image is divided into 9 equal segments by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal lines. The rule of thirds says that you should position the most important elements in your scene along these lines, or at the points where they intersect.


When is it appropriate to use formal speech and when is it inappropriate to use formal speech? 

Formal speech is for professional settings and people you don't know very well and people you need to respect: elders, parents, teachers, employers, etc. 

It is inappropriate to use formal speech between friends and family. 


What does DAE stand for? 

Description, Analysis, Evaluation 


What is the danger of a Single Story? 

“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are

untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story become the only story.”


Which Photo Story deals with disturbances of global trade and disputed waters? 

Battle for Sovereignty. Explanation. It focuses on conflicts over control of the South China Sea. This region is one of the world's most important trade routes, where several countries—including China, Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines—compete for territorial claims.


What rule of composition is being used in this picture? Explain the rule. 


Before photographing your subject, take time to think about where you will shoot it from. Our viewpoint has a massive impact on the composition of a photo and, as a result, it can greatly affect the message that the shot conveys. Rather than just shooting from eye level, consider photographing from high above, down at ground level, from the side, from the back, from a long way away, from very close up, and so on.


What is the Elevator Speech?

A short, convincing speech when speaking to a potential employer and trying to persuade this person to hire me for a job or internship. 


What are all five of the cultural metaphors that we learned? 

Icerberg, Onion, Software, Fish out of water, Lenses


What does it mean to have privilege in society? 

Recognizing that some people have an advantage in life that has nothing to do with anything they have done. 


Name three photo journalists from the WPP Summit Day.  

  • Ebrahim Noroozi
  • Alejandro Cegarra
  • Daniel Chatard
  • Michael Varcas
  • Johanna Maria Fritz
  • Sandra Mehl
  • Mackenzie Calle
  • Kazuhiko Matsumura

Which rule of composition is used here?

leading lines


How can we identify Formal Language? 

Is more rigidly structured • 

Has a more formal tone • 

Uses more standard language • 

Uses correct grammar and spelling • 



What are all five dimensions of Hofstede’s Theory on the Five Dimensions of Culture?

Power Distance, Individualism vs. Collectivism, Masculinity vs. Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, Long-Term Orientation vs. Short-Term  Orientation 


Explain the concept of "The Other"? What are the negatives and positives of "The Other"? 

The Other is an individual who is perceived by the group as not belonging, as being different in some fundamental way.

Positive: Otherness is imperative to national identity and sustaining boundaries.

Negative: Otherness can lead to the dehumanization and demonization of groups, and it can even involve the intent to “civilize” and exploit “others.”


What is a photo journalist? How are they similar and different to journalists?

A journalist that uses photography as the main storytelling device. Like journalists, they need to honestly record the events as they unfold. 

(Their pictures tell the story, so they must keep to a code of ethics when taking photos and editing them for publication.)


What rule of composition is used here? 



What are four signs of "Active Listening"?

Encouraging, Eliciting, Restating, Clarifying, Empathizing, Summarizing, Reframing 


How do people communicate in a High Context Culture? 

Misunderstanding when exchanging information • 

Impression of a lack of information • 

Large amounts of information are provided in a non-verbal manner, e.g. gestures, pauses, facial expressions. • 

Emphasis on loyalty •

 ‘Unwritten’ rules that are taken for granted but can easily be missed by strangers


What does it mean to be Ethnorelative? 

What does it mean to be Ethnocentric? 

Which is which...?

Ethnorealtive - someone sees their culture as one of many valuable cultures; they see other cultures with no judgement.

Ethnocentric - someone sees their culture as the center and superior to other cultures. 


Which photo essays have to do with disasters in nature? 

Kakhovka Dam 

The First Climate Refugees 


What rule of photo composition is missing from the list:  rule of thirds, leading lines, framing and point of view



Name six qualities of a Diplomat (out of 11). 

  1. Composure

  2. Cultural Adaptability

  3. Information Analysis and Usage

  4. Leadership

  5. Judgment

  6. Objectivity

  7. Oral Communication

  8. Planning and Organizing

  9. Resourcefulness

  10. Working with Others

  11. Written Communication


Explain all five of the cultural metaphors that we learned. 

onion - people are shaped by many layers of culture

fish out of water - the influence of our own culture is often invisible to us. It is simply what we know and what we depend on for survival. 

lenses - we all wear cultural lenses or filters that we use to interpret a situation. 

software - culture is the software of our minds and we need shared software in order to communicate.

iceberg - just like an iceberg, culture has some aspects that are observable, above the waterline and some aspects that are invisible, under the waterline.   


What are all the six stages of Bennett’s Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (the ethnorelative and ethnicentric stages)?

defense, adaptability, acceptance, denial, minimization, integration