2 Services offered at Westridge
What is Therapy, Education, Dining and Medical?
Before leaving for the day or weekend this task must be completed.
What is make your bed? Bed made neatly including sheets tucked in and bed spread smooth
Name the 6 Precautions
What is Self Harm, Suicide Watch, Run Risk, Eating Disorder, Sexually Acting Out and Physical Aggression
True or False:
Electronics are allowed on campus and will be kept in the staff office until you need to utilize it.
What is False?
The 5 stages are..
What is Orientation, Humility, Accountability, Service and Leadership
School starts at this time
What is 8:30am?
8:00am according to the handbook
Each student will be assigned a daily chore. This person is the one to assign and check off your chore.
What is a staff?
These precautions will not be allowed to attend off campus activities
What is Self Harm, Run Risk and Suicide Watch.
The length of the shorts
What is no more than 2 inches above the knee?
You can apply for a job at Westridge on which stage.
During meals, you eat with
Who is your residential home?
The number one academic expectation
What is "Show respect for your classmates and all staff"?
What is PAUSE, Reflection Room, Missing Activities, Comm Block, Step Back?
I should change in this specific place
What is the bedroom? Unless you are just getting out of the shower, you must change in the bathroom.
What is a DearMan?
Name 4 Therapies Westridge offers
What is Individual, Family, Recreational and Group Therapy?
Name the 8 steps of the medication process
What is (Student recites Expectation 1-8 on page 9)
What does TI stand for and what is the reason for TI?
What is "Therapeutic Intervention"? Used when staff and supervisors feel the group is unsafe due to individual or group behavior.
ALL my hygiene product/tool is kept here.
What is the laundry room?
You may attend on and off campus activities on this stage.
What is Humility, Accountability, Service and Leadership
Westridge is accredited by
Name the important expectations
What is Stay in line of sight, ask staff before leaving one area, language. do not impede on another's program.
This consequence can also be used for a failing grades and poor citizenship.
What is Missed Activities?
Upon arrival, your initials will be written on your belongings to..
What is avoid bartering and/or sharing? ABSOLUTELY NO SHARING
These are the attributes of every level
List ALL attributes in 45 seconds to get points.