You can see this staff member to complete an attendance success plan and help improve attendance.
Who is Miss Grace
This type of absence is when a student is late to school.
What is Tardy
The item that you need to use to get yourself up in the morning.
What is an Alarm Clock
The S in Smart goals stands for this.
What is Specific
This type of short sleep can break up your circadian rhythm over time and mess up your sleep schedule.
What is a Nap
This percentage of students who are chronically absent in any year of high school are more likely to drop out.
What is 7%
When you go on vacation and miss school, you will have this type of absence.
What is an Unexcused Absence
This is a way to tell time that you can wear.
What is a Watch
The M in SMART goals stands for this.
What is Measurable
Avoid soda or energy drinks at night so that this chemical doesn't keep you awake.
What is Caffiene
Students who miss too much school score ______ on state and national assessments.
What is "lower"
You will accrue this type of absence if you have a medical appointment during school hours.
What is an Excused Absence
This is a way to keep track of the things you need to do or turn in throughout the week.
What is a Planner
The A in SMART goals stands for this.
What is Attainable
Avoiding this activity close to bedtime will prevent a rush of adrenaline that will keep you from falling asleep.
What is Excercising
For every day of school missed, it takes this many days to make up what was taught.
What is Three Days
SARB is short for this organization.
What is the Student Attendance Review Board
A way to keep track of what you need to do throughout a month
What is a Calendar
The R in SMART goals stands for this.
What is Relevant
You can train your circadian rhythm by doing these two things at the same time every day.
What is waking up and going to sleep (at the same time).
10% of school, or this many days, negatively affects a student's academic performance.
What is 18 days
This staff member will call home if you are often tardy or absent.
Who is Miss Grace
This electronic device can serve as a portable calendar or planner.
What is a Cell Phone or Laptop
The T in SMART goals stands for this.
What is Time-bound
Avoid doing this before bed to keep light from disturbing your sleep cycle.
What is Using Electronics.