Name all 3 of the Mrs. characters
Whatsit, Who, and Which
Type of figurative language
"Clear as mud."
Irony or Simile
After Meg's father disappears, Meg has trouble with her emotions and starts to act out in school. What type of conflict would this be?
p. 75
"That, of course, is the impractical, long way around. We have learned to take short cuts wherever possible."
A. Not sensible or realistic
B. In a joking way
C. Sensible or realistic
D. Skibidi
Not sensible or realistic
The FIRST planet our characters "tesser" to from Earth.
Type and meaning
p. 6
She could hear wind howling in the chimneys.
Personification. The wind was loud.
How the main conflict affects Meg personally
Makes her feel down on herself
Makes her resentful/angry
Affects how she feels about others
p. 43
"So when they want her to do problems the long way around at school she gets sullen and stubborn and sets up a fine mental block for herself."
A. Willing to work hard
B. Bad tempered or pouty
C. Upbeat and positive
D. Jealous or envious
Bad tempered or pouty
What the children must use for the thin atmosphere on Uriel
Flowers to breathe in
Meaning of figurative language
p. 65
A rich voice with the warmth of a woodwind, the clarity of a trumpet...
Mrs. Whatsit's voice was beautiful. ANSWERS COULD VARY
The internal conflict Calvin O' Keefe struggles with when we first meet him.
His family life is chaotic. ANSWERS MAY VARY
"That's my new word for the day. Impressive, isn't it?"
"Prodigious," Mrs. Murry said.
Extraordinary. ANSWERS MAY VARY
p.29 has a hint
Charles Wallace seems to have an ability to do what when it comes to Meg and his mother?
Read minds or thoughts. ANSWERS MAY VARY
Type of figurative language
What line tells us that it is figurative and not literal?
p. 52
Calvin sat quietly beside her, every once in a while patting her head. "I'm sorry," she sobbed finally. "I'm terribly sorry. Now you'll hate me."
"Oh, Meg, you are a moron," "Don't you know you're the nicest thing that's happened to me in a long time?"
Irony. When he says Meg is the nicest thing to happen to him
p. 89
What type of story element is used here?
"But where is he?"
Mrs. Whatsit answered, "On a planet that has given in. So you must prepare to be very strong."
p. 65
"You can't go changing my name every time I metamorphose. And I've had such pleasure being Mrs. Whatsit..."
Change in form or nature. ANSWERS MAY VARY