Bony Anatomy
Special Tests/ Misc.
Special Tests/Pathologies
Muscular Anatomy/ Misc.
What is the most commonly fractured carpal bone? Why doesnt it heal easily? Where is it located?
What is the Scaphoid, it does not have a good blood supply, and in the anatomical snuffbox?
Which 2 extrinsic muscles do not influence wrist movement?
What is extensor digit minimi, and extensor indicis?
Trauma to the radial nerve results in what pathology?
What is drop-wrist?
What percentage of the population is the palmaris longus found to be absent?
What is 12-15%
What ligament is responsible for checking radial deviation, and because taunt at the end ranges of flexion and extension?
What is UCL?
What is the most commonly dislocated carpal bone? What is the special test to diagnose the dislocation? Where is it located?
What is the Lunate, the Watson test, between the scaphoid and the triquetrum?
What are 3 tests for carpal tunnel syndrome? Demonstrate them all.
What is Phalens, Reverse Phalens, and Tinnels?
An infection around the periphery of the nail bed that results in redness and swelling is called what?
What is Paronychia?
What Carpal bone floats? What carpal bone has a hook?
What is pisiform, hamate?
A benign collection of thick fluid within a tendinous sheath or joint capsule found in the wrist or hand is called what?
What is a Ganglion cyst?
The tunnel of Guyon is formed by what? What nerve does it hold?
What is the hamate and pisiform, the ulnar nerve?
What test can be used to determine a dislocated lunate? Demonstrate the test.
What is Murphys Sign?
What special test is used for finding de Quervian syndrome? What tendon does it test? Demonstrate the test.
What is Finkelsteins test, extensor tendon of the thumb?
What is a fracture of the base of the first metacarpal the extends into the articular surface called?
What is a Bennetts Fracture?
What ligament forms the roof of the carpal tunnel?
What is transverse carpal ligament?
What does small cuts of abrasions over the dorsal surface of the MCP or IP joints indicate?
What is Russels sign, or bulimia?
What do both Froments sign, and Wrinkle test, test for? Demonstrate both tests.
What is a neuropathy?
What wrist pathology is commonly associated with clicking on the ulnar side of the wrist?
What is Triangular Fibrocartilaginous Complex?
What ligament is most important in wrist stability?
What is palmar radiocarpal ligament?
What pulley is loated on the distal aspect of the metacarpal and the most proximal member of the pulley system?
What is the palmar aponeurosis pulley?
Explain the alignment of the carpals in relation to the metacarpals
First metacarpal= Trapezium Second metacarpal= Trapezoid, Scaphoid Third metacarpal=Capitate, Lunate Fourth metacarpal= Hamate, Triquetrum Fifth metacarpal= Pisiform
What are the 10 structures that pass through the carpal tunnel?
What is the Median nerve, flexor pollicus longus tendon, four tendons of the flexor digitorum superficial is, and the four flexor digitorum profundus tendons?
What is it called when a ruptured central extensor tendon causes a lateral band to slip palmarly on each side of the PIP, changing its line of pull on the joint from an extensor to a flexor?
What is Boutonniere Deformity?
What is the function of the TFCC?
What is it dissipates the stresses imposed on the forearm during loading, stabilizes the radioulnar joint, extends the radio carpal articulation by stabilizing the ulnar side carpals?
What is it called when there is a non-articular fracture of the radius occurring approx. 1.5in proximal to the radio carpal joint, causing the distal radius to be displaced dorsally?
What is a Colles Fracture?