Hooks Compare/Contrast
Body Paragraphs
Argumentative vs. informative
Transition Words Cause/Effect

To restate your reasons why to do or how they occurred, they should be done in order

What is time, chronological, sequential order?


A statement that catches the readers attention.

What is a hook?


Three of these paragraphs are usually found in the body.

How many body paragraphs are there in an essay?


To summarize or wrap up the essay.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?


Type of writing that uses the word "inform", "explain", and/or "discuss" 

What is Informative writing?


The reason that something happened. 

What is cause?


To use what, where, when, why, and who is a form of brainstorming.

What are the 5W's of brainstorming?


To look at how two or more things are different.

What does it mean to contrast?


Each body paragraph should have one of these.

What is the main idea?


3-5 sentences make up this ending.

How many sentences should a conclusion be?


Uses the words "argue", "position", and/or "convince" in writing.

What is argumentative writing?


Find the transition word.

I make my own cleaning supplies because they are better for the environment. Furthermore, they are cheaper.

What is furthermore?


A way of organizing one's work before writing.

What is a mind map, web, outline, etc. ?


A Venn Diagram is made up of two shapes that accomplishes these two things.

What is to compare and contrast?


Daily Double

The introduction, (three) key details, and conclusion used when writing.

  What are the (five) things a body paragraph needs?


Compare A and B and you like A.

A. In conclusion, Dunkin Donuts is better because of their prices and wide range of choices.

B. To summarize, Dunkin Donuts has more to offer.

What is the best conclusion sentence?


Writing used to educate the reader's audience on a certain topic.

What is the purpose of an informative essay?


Daily Double

Fill in the transition words

_______________ Nicki Minaj and Justin Beiber are famous singers. _______________ they are different because one is female and the other is male.

What are both and but?


Amount of time dedicated to planning an essay.

What is up to 30 minutes?


"Why do athletes train so hard?  Athletes, such as LeBron James and Gabby Douglas, have to keep a healthy diet and prepare in many ways. No matter the sport, all of the best athletes practice their skills every day.  To be successful..."

Reread sentence one and tell what it is.

What is a hook?


(Textual) evidence 

What paragraphs should be supported by?


To summarize, to sum up, in conclusion, etc

What is/are a transition word(s) you can use in the conclusion?


Debates or argues a particular point or claim made within the topic.

 What is the purpose of an argumentative essay?


An example of when tectonic plates under the ocean shift and Tsunamis (earthquake) is created.

What is cause and effect?


When describing details in a story use smells, sight, touch, taste, and hearing.

What are the senses?


Words like hiss, cuckoo,  meow, and caw are sound effects or onomatopoeias and are used in a sentence as this.

What is a hook?


Transition words, reason, the importance of a reason, evidence elaboration, and closing.

What goes into the body of a paragraph?


Closes an essay and tries to bring an end to the discussion of an issue.

What is the purpose of a conclusion?


Claim and counterclaim

What statements are found in an argumentative essay and not in an informative essay?


Speaking two languages has many benefits. For example, students who know two languages will eventually outperform students who only know one language. Another reason is that students who are bilingual have greater self-esteem, creativity, and problem-solving skills. In addition, being bilingual is a great resume booster. 

The paragraph includes words that make for more interesting and easy reading.

What are transition words for example, another reason, in addition?