A word whose definition is Expressing insightful ideas.
What is Meaning?
Captivating the reader in the first few lines.
What is A Powerful Opening Line?
An exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.
What is an Argument?
Rather than refuting the argument, it attacks the individual instead.
What is The Ad Hominem?
It creates a loop in the argument. (A completely closed loop)
A word whose definition is Supporting ideas thoroughly and effectively.
What is Development?
The character starts in a tense situation.
What is A Character in a Tense Situation?
A claim made to rebut a previous claim.
What is a counterclaim?
Something claimed true based off on authority.
What is Appeal to Authority?
When you jump to a conclusion based on the impact of others (because of the size of the opinion).
What is The Bandwagon?
A word whose definition is Arranging ideas for maximum impact.
What is Organization?
The question used as a hook.
What is The Forward Motion Of a Question?
The action of proving a statement or theory to be wrong or false.
What is a refutation?
Argue against a weak, phony, or ridiculous position that you created and easily knock it down.
What is The Straw Man?
The clever yet irrelevant argument that distracts from the real topic.
What is The Red Herring?
A word whose definition is Manipulating language to be clear, engaging, and powerful.
What is Style?
Setting up a disaster and is then avoided by accomplishing a goal.
What is The Clock is Ticking?
A comparison of two things that are nearly exactly alike.
What is a Literal Analogy?
You reduce an argument down to two options even though there might be more to choose from.
What is The False Dilemma?
By taking an argument from a moderate place to an extreme place regardless of the logic or evidence to support it.
What is The Slippery Slope?
A word whose definition is Following rules and format especially in writing.
What are Conventions?
The tension that provides the reader to perk his/her ears up because the story is getting good.
A comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification.
What is a Figurative Analogy?
When there is an overuse of acronyms and abbreviations to trick people into thinking they know what they are talking about which makes them think that they are ignorant and that you are right.
What is The Alphabet Soup?
Since we do not know something or cannot prove something, it must be either true or false.
What is The Appeal to Ignorance?