What do the letters in CAPS stand for?
What is Capitalization, Accuracy, Punctuation and Spelling.
This would be an example of what type of source?
"Fossils are made of old compressed bone and rocks." said scientist Bill Murray.
What is a Primary Source.
What is the first paragraph in a paper called?
What is an introduction.
List at least 3 strategies for editing our rough drafts.
Answers may vary.
When you write you want to use a ________ of sources and paraphrasing throughout your paper.
What is variety.
When we are writing an informative paper, what word do we want to not include?
What is I.
Where in an essay would I find this sentence?
Adding waste to the oceans, endangering sea turtles and hurting natural resources are all negative consequences that will be discussed.
What is the introduction.
Which type of source allows you to use a specific piece of information that has already been paraphrased by someone else?
What is a secondary source.
What is the biggest difference between informative papers and opinion papers?
What is fact vs. opinion.