A subject describes _____ the sentence is about.
A predicate tells what the subject is _______?
A complete sentence always starts with a ___ letter.
Capital or big
Is this a sentence fragment?
_________ will go to the store to buy some food.
A subject is also known as a n __ __ __.
A verb is an ________ word.
A complete sentence must end with a _____.
period or puncation
True or False
A sentence fragment includes a subject?
false, it includes a predicate
A noun is a ______, _______, or thing.
person, place
Rocky Raccoon loves to give high fives. Name the predicate in this sentence.
loves to give high fives
What's missing?
________ went to the store.
a subject
A sentence fragment is a sentence that is ___ complete.
_________ is playing outside. Name a subject
Answers may vary
A predicate is also a ______.
verb or action word
Is this sentence complete?
today, Mrs. B will take a nap
No, the t in Today needs to be capital and there is no period or puncuation.
True or false
A sentence fragement is only part of a complete sentence?
Mr. Morton planted flowers for his neighbor, Penny. Who is the subject?
Mr. Morton
Which part of this sentence is the predicate? A boy went to school.
went to school
A complete sentence has 2 parts. Name those 2 parts.
Subject & predicate
Is this a sentence fragment?
I am so happy it's Friday!
No its a complete sentence