Other Punctuation
Name the Error
ESL Errors
The music was playing and the people were swaying.
What is The music was playing, and the people were swaying.
Fix all the errors in the following sentence: Someone offered me a ride to class otherwise I would have been late too.
What is Someone offered me a ride to class; otherwise, I would have been late, too.
Tell me where you were, what you were doing, and your reasons for doing it.
What is a lack of parallelism. Tell me where you were, what you were doing, and why you were doing it.
Name the error: People around globe have problems finding safe drinking water.
What is a missing article? People around the globe have problems finding safe drinking water.
What is an oxford comma? Is it a mistake to leave it out?
What is a comma that is used to set off the last item in a series. It is placed before the conjunction. Ex. I like to eat fish, meatballs, and fishy meatballs. The oxford comma is a stylistic or editorial choice, not a grammatical error.
Fix the errors in this sentence: There weren’t a lot of people at the concert, because you forgot to send out the press release Michelle.
What is There weren’t a lot of people at the concert because you forgot to send out the press release, Michelle.
Fix the errors in the following sentence: Even after taking a driver’s education class people often have trouble: making a three point turn backing up safely and following other cars at a proper distance.
What is Even after taking a driver’s education class, people often have trouble making a three-point turn, backing up safely, and following other cars at a proper distance.
The many problems of the Trump presidency has given me ulcers.
What is a lack of subject-verb agreement. The many problems of the Trump presidency have given me ulcers.
Name the error: At the store, please make sure to pick up a rice and fish.
What is Error with countable vs. not countable nouns. At the store, please make sure to pick up some rice and fish.
What is the difference between a clause and a phrase?
What is A clause has both a subject and a predicate. As such, they can express propositions. Phrases may contain nouns and verbs, but they do not contain a subject doing a verb. Phrases usually act as a part of speech, such as a noun, adjective, or adverb.
Fix the following sentence: Harold Chester who first started playing the guitar at age seven is considered to be an excellent performer by music critics.
What is: Harold Chester, who first started playing the guitar at age seven, is considered to be an excellent performer by music critics.
Correct and explain the following error: The well known actress exited her car with grace.
What is The well-known actress exited her car with grace. Compound adjectives in the first position (before the noun) are usually hyphenated. Interestingly, when compound adjectives are in the second position (usually following a verb), they are not. Ex. That actress is well known in Canada.
In the middle of the night my son woke up with a nightmare.
What is a  missing comma after an introductory element?  In the middle of the night, my son woke up with a nightmare.
Name the error: Before I wanted going, but now I don’t feel like it.
What is mistaken use of a gerund rather than the infinitive following the verb want. Before I wanted to go, but now I don’t feel like it.
Name two coordinating conjunctions and two conjunctive adverbs.
What is Coordinating conjunctions: and, but, or, for, so, yet Conjunctive adverbs: however, moreover, therefore, nevertheless, etc.
Fix the following passage: Because we had not seen each other for several years I wondered if I would recognize her. I wondered too if I would still be in love with her.
What is Because we had not seen each other for several years, I wondered if I would recognize her. I wondered, too, if I would still be in love with her.
Fix the errors in the following sentence: I’ll admit that we should have asked you, however, you never returned Dan or Laura’s calls.
What is I’ll admit that we should have asked you; however, you never returned Dan's or Laura’s calls.
Anybody who wants more dessert should give their orders to the pastry chef.
What is Lack of Pronoun-Antecedent agreement. Anybody who wants more dessert should give his or her order to the pastry chef. Or... Customers who want more dessert should give their orders to the pastry chef.
Name the error: Usually Jack is a good student, but yesterday he cutted class.
What is a mistake when conjugating the past participle of the irregular verb "cut"?   Usually Jack is a good student, but yesterday he cut class. 
What is a signal verb? Provide 5 examples.
What is A signal verb is a verb used to introduce source material when quoting, paraphrasing, or summarizing. Examples include state, question, introduce, demonstrate, describe, examine, etc..
Fix the following sentence: Jack entered the parking lot and hearing a noise behind him he bolted towards his car.
What is Jack entered the parking lot, and, hearing a noise behind him, he bolted towards his car.
Fix all the errors in the following sentence: There are basically three ways to write: with a pen or pencil which is inexpensive and easily accessible by computer which is more expensive but quick or by dictation which is very quick but may end up sounding less polished.
What is There are basically three ways to write: with a pen or pencil, which is inexpensive and easily accessible; by computer, which is more expensive but quick; or by dictation, which is very quick but may end up sounding less polished.
I bought a beautiful blouse in a local store with long sleeves and striped cuffs.
What is a m isplaced modifier. In a local store, I bought a beautiful blouse with long sleeves and striped cuffs.
Complete both parts of this question: 1) Describe when to use the present perfect vs. simple past. 2) Create a sentence in the present perfect.
What is 1) Present Perfect is used when describing either an action that took place in the past but is relevant to the current moment or an action that started in the past and is continuing until the current moment. 2) Wayne has worked at Towson for six years.
Do the following forms of punctuation go inside or outside of quotation marks? Period, Comma, Semicolon, Colon
What is Periods and Commas go inside. Semicolons and Colons go outside. Question marks and Exclamation points go inside or outside depending on context.