True or False: I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, and her are ALL pronouns.
I, you, he, she, it, we, they, me, him, and her are ALL pronouns.
True or False: 'A' and 'the' are not articles before nouns.
False! 'A' and 'the' are articles before nouns.
True or false: Link words connect parts of sentences together.
True: Link words connect parts of sentences together.
True or false: Prepositions of time talk about when things happen.
True or false: We use the past simple to talk about things that will happen in the near future.
False: We use the past simple to talk about things that happened in the past.
True or False: In English, modal verbs are used to say if someone knows how to do something (or not).
True: Modal verbs are used to say if someone knows how to do something (or not).
Mel can drive.
She can't swim.
Is this sentence correct or incorrect?
I'm going to buy any food.
The sentence should be: I'm going to buy some food.
Can you list the 5 link words we studied?
Is the following sentence correct or incorrect?
We stayed outside until it was dark.
What is the past simple of walk?
walk --> walked
Fill in the blank using a pronoun:
Cain can't speak because he has an orange in _____ mouth.
Cain can't speak because he has an orange in HIS mouth.
Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.
You will see some buildings around Igloolik. The Co-op restaurant is between/through/over the Northern and the church.
You will see some buildings around Igloolik. The Co-op restaurant is BETWEEN the Northern and the church.
True or false: the link word BUT adds two things together.
The link word but makes a contrast. The link word and adds two things together.
Finish off the sentence using a preposition of time.
My father was born...
Answers will vary.
What is the past simple of see?
see--> saw
Find the wrong or extra word in the sentence:
I can't not hear you, please speak up.
Original: I can't not hear you, please speak up.
Correct: I can't hear you, please speak up.
Fill in the blanks:
Can I have __ glass of water with my burger, please? I would also like _____ ketchup to go with my french fries. I don't want ____ pickles on my burger. Thank you.
Can I have A glass of water with my burger, please? I would also like SOME ketchup to go with my french fries. I don't want ANY pickles on my burger. Thank you.
Fill in the gaps:
My family ______ I love our red house. We like our house _______ it is near the pier. We eat dinner ___ look outside at the sea. On the weekends we drink tea ______ on the weekdays we drink coffee.
My family AND I love our red house. We like our house BECAUSE it is near the pier. We eat dinner AND look outside at the sea. On the weekends we drink tea BUT on the weekdays we drink coffee.
List the ten prepositions of time that we studied.
in, on, at, before, after, for, by, during, until, till
Choose the correct word.
Didn't he know/knew who was at the door?
Didn't he KNOW who was at the door?
Identify ALL of the pronouns and modal verbs in the sentences below.
Josie can drive but she can't swim. She is really good at doing her homework and she can do it all by herself. Sometimes she wonders if Thomas could do his homework all by himself. Thomas can read a lot but he can't sing.
Josie can drive but she can't swim. She is really good at doing her homework and she can do it all by herself.
Which word CANNOT be used to complete the sentence.
I walk _______ a river to get to work.
The sweaters and the book was quite cheap.
Fill in the gaps:
Jessica Amaaq loves going for walks and she usually goes for a walk _________ church starts _____ the morning. After, she likes to go to the restaurant, but _____ this month she will eat lunch at home.
Jessica Amaaq loves going for walks and she usually goes for a walk BEFORE church starts IN the morning. After, she likes to go to the restaurant, but DURING this month she will eat lunch at home.
Fix the following sentence:
A rock band from Greenland come to my town last Friday.
A rock band from Greenland CAME to my town last Friday.