Punctuation and Grammar
Spelling and Proofreading
Structure Techniques
Language Features
Purpose and Audience
Idea Development

What is the correct punctuation mark to end a question?

Question Mark


Which of these is the correct spelling?

Definately, Definitely, Defanitely, Definetly



What is the main purpose of an introductory paragraph?

A. To summarize the entire essay

B. To provide background information and present the thesis

C. To list all the references

D. To give detailed examples

B. To provide background information and present the thesis


Identify and correct the misuse of a simile: "She was as busy as a bee, buzzing around the room."

It's actually correct as is!


Determine the purpose and audience: "Dear Principal, I am writing to request more recycling bins in our school."

Purpose: To request, Audience: Principal


What is the first step in developing ideas for writing?



Rearrange the sentence for better structure: "To the store, she went to buy milk."

She went to the store to buy milk.


Identify the subject in the following sentence: "The cat sat on the mat."



What is the process of reading and correcting a text for errors called?



What is a topic sentence?

A. The first sentence of an essay

B. A question at the end of a paragraph 

C. A sentence that provides a counterargument

D.  A sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph

D. A sentence that summarizes the main idea of a paragraph


Improve the onomatopoeia in this sentence: "The bee went buzz as it flew by."

The bee buzzed as it flew by.


Identify the audience and purpose: "The blog post explains how to start a vegetable garden for beginners."

Purpose: To inform, Audience: Beginners interested in gardening


Why is organising ideas important in writing?

It helps ensure the ideas are presented in a logical order


Improve the sentence structure: "Because he was tired, he went to bed early

He went to bed early because he was tired.


Which of the following is a coordinating conjunction?

A. Because

B. And

C. Although

D. Since

B. And


Which of these words is misspelled?

A. Necessary

B. Accommodate

C. Occured

D. Separate

C. Occured (correct spelling: Occurred)


Which of the following is NOT a type of sentence structure?

A. Simple

B. Compound

C. Complex

D. Fragmented

D. Fragmented


What is an onomatopoeia?

A word that imitates a sound


Find the purpose and audience: "The advertisement persuades people to buy eco-friendly products."

Answer: Purpose: To persuade, Audience:Consumers


What is an outline used for in writing?

A. To summarize the entire essay

B. To organize ideas before writing the full text

C. To proofread the essay

D. To add more ideas

B. To organise ideas before writing the full text


Combine these sentences into one: "The cat is black. The cat is sleeping on the couch."

The black cat is sleeping on the couch.


What type of sentence is this? "Although it was raining, we decided to go for a walk."

(Simple, Complex, Compound, Compound-Complex)



What should you look for when proofreading a text? (Choose all that apply)

A. Spelling errors

B. Grammar mistakes

C. Proper punctuation

D. Ideas for new content

A. Spelling errors

B. Grammar mistakes

C. Proper punctuation


What is parallel structure in writing?

A. Using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance

B. Writing in the first person

C. Using metaphors and similes

D. Writing in chronological order

A. Using the same pattern of words to show that two or more ideas have the same level of importance


What is hyperbole?

An exaggeration for effect


 What is the purpose of an expository essay?

To inform


How can adding details to your ideas improve your writing?

It makes the writing clearer and more interesting


Fix the structure: "Running late, the bus had already left when he arrived."

He was running late, and the bus had already left when he arrived.


What is a dependent clause?

A group of words that does not form a complete thought.

E.g. I went out on the bike that Mary gave me for my birthday. The main clause of the sentence is “I went out on the bike”—a complete idea that can stand on its own as a complete sentence. The words that follow (“that Mary gave me for my birthday”) are a dependent clause, acting subordinate to the main clause.


Which technique can help you catch more errors when proofreading?

Reading out loud


What is the purpose of a concluding paragraph?

To restate the main ideas and provide closure


What is personification?

Giving human qualities to non-human things


Why is it important to identify the purpose and audience in writing?

It helps the writer choose the appropriate tone, language, and content


Why is it important to revise and refine your ideas?

To improve clarity, coherence, and depth in your writing


Rewrite for clarity and structure: "In the drawer, there are many tools for fixing, like screwdrivers, wrenches, and hammers, which you can use."

The drawer contains many tools, such as screwdrivers, wrenches, and hammers, for fixing things.