Text Coding/Planning
Text Coding/Planning
Revise and Edit

The first thing you do once you receive the Text Set.

What is go directly to the prompt?


The 4 things we plan for.

What is B, M, M, E?


We will have 120 minutes to complete all the steps in our Writing FSA.

True or False?

What is True.


Each paragraph has 2 sentences.

What is False?


Two, To and Too mean the same thing.

True or False? Explain

What is False?

Two = Number 2

To = Place

Too = In addition


The first T in the writing prompt.

What is Type?


We underline every part of each paragraph to show we read. 

True or False?

What is False?


We take all 120 minutes of our test to text code and plan.

True or False?

What is False?


On the lined sheet of the text set, if your write outside the box, that will not be scored.

True or False?

What is True?


The letter I is always capitalized when referring to yourself.

True or False?

What is True?


The second T in the Writing Prompt.

What is Topic?


Write an essay in which you give your opinion about whether or not students should have cellphones before 15. 

Find the Text Code we would use for this prompt.

What is Y for Yes and N for No?


Write an essay in which you give your opinion about whether or not students should have cellphones before 15. 

Find the question we can ask ourselves to text code.

What is Does this sentence tell me about why students should or should not have cellphones before 15?


You write the most amazing essay on your planning sheet and get a 4/4/2.

True or False?

What is False?


Not every sentence needs to have a punctuation mark.

True or False? Explain

What is False?

In order to make a sentence, you need to end it with either an exclamation mark, a question mark or a period.


The third T in the writing prompt.

What is Task?


Write an essay in which you give information about the sun and why it is the biggest star in the Solar System. 

Find the Text Code we would use.

What is S for Sun and W for Why?


Write an essay in which you give information about the sun and why it is the biggest star in the Solar System. 

Find the question we can ask ourselves to text code.

What is Does this sentence tell me about the Sun or why the Sun is the biggest star?


Every sentence begins with an indent.

True or False?

What is False?

Paragraphs begin with indents.


When adding more than one thing in a sentence, you use commas in a series.

True or False?

What is True?


The 2 types of essays you could have.

What is opinion and informational?

The two important things that are in your middles, apart from your main ideas.

What is Evidence and Elaboration (Original Thought or Insight)


Once we ask ourselves these questions we....

What is if the answer is Yes, we underline the important part of the sentence and text code, then we MOVE ON. If the answer is No, we MOVE ON.


There are 3 columns in the rubric.

PFO / E&E / Conventions

True or False?

What is True?


You can only get a 2 on the conventions part of the rubric.

True or False?

What is True?


Write an opinion essay in which you tell your classmates about why we should or should not wear uniforms.

Find the 3T's.

What is:

T: Opinion

T: Uniforms

T: Should we or should we not wear Uniforms


How do you figure out your 2 main ideas for your 2 middles?

What is using the reasons WHY your evidence is supported?


The word we use when writing directly from our source but do not tell the reader where we got our information.

What is Plagiarism?


You need a total of 4 paragraphs to complete your essay.

True or False?

What is True?


You need to get at least 3 errors in a pattern to go down a point in Conventions. 

True or False? Explain

What is False?

It takes 2 patterns in error.