Because, But, So sentences
Create a detail sentence
Topic Sentences
Capital letters
Concluding Sentences

Fill in the blank with because, but, or so:

She walked home in the rain, ________________ she didn't get wet because she had an umbrella.



Create a detail sentence to go with this topic sentence.

You can learn many things in school.



Identify the topic sentence:

A - I really like fall because the leaves turn orange, yellow, and brown.

B - In fall the weather is nice and chilly. 

C - In fall I can wear my favorite sweater.

D - Fall is my favorite season.

D - Fall is my favorite season.


Please fix the following sentence:

i spoke on the phone

Capitalize the word I in the beginning of the sentence and put a period


Choose the concluding sentence:

1) In conclusion, I can't wait for Valentine's Day.

2) Valentine's Day is my favorite holiday!

3) I like to exchange cards and candy with family and friends. 


Fill in the blank with because, but, or so:

I ran too fast, _________________ now I have a cramp in my side.



Create a detail sentence to go with this topic sentence.

This weekend I want to do lots of things.



Identify the topic sentence:

A- It's a time when I can rest and relax.

B- I'm always happy because I don't have any homework to do.

C- I stay up later on Friday's and Saturday's because I can sleep in the next morning.

D- I love the weekend!


Please fix the following sentence:

my friend, beth, gave me a hug. 

Capitalize the M in My at the beginning of the sentence and B for Beth


Pick the concluding sentence:

1) My favorite kind of animals are cats.

2) In conclusion, I love all kinds of cats!

3) Lions and leopard are amazing.

4) I've always had a cat as part of my family.

Example: I went to school.


Fill in the blank with because, but, or so:

I ate most of the pizza ______________ I was so hungry, __________ I left a couple of pieces for my sister.



Create two sentences to go with this topic sentence.

I know a lot about my club character.

We must save the lions from extinction!


Pick the topic sentence.

A) His name was King Tut.

B) My character was a king.

C) He lived over two thousand years ago.

D) I have learned a lot of interesting facts about my club character.



Please fix the following sentence:

have you ever gone up to the top of the empire state building!


Pick the best concluding sentence for the paragraph that begins with:

Over the weekend, I did lots of fun things.

1) I watched a movie with my family.

2) I had a fun weekend because I spent lots of time with my family.

3) My family went on a bike ride.


Write a so sentence about Valentine's Day.

It was raining, so Iplayed outside.


Create two detail sentences to go with this topic sentence.

This week in writing we worked on several things.

Example: I really hope that lions don't go extinct!


Write a topic sentence about these details:

- We had a snowball fight.

- After we went sledding, we drank hot chocolate.

- We made a snowman.


We learned a lot about Hawaii in club this week.

We went to Hawaii in club this week.


Please fix the following sentence: (Hint- there's more than one error)

lions, leopards and tigers are found in africa, asia and india?


Give a concluding sentence for this paragraph.

This week in writing we worked on lots of things. First, we wrote detail sentences about our weekends. Second, we wrote topic and concluding sentences for our paragraph. Third, we wrote Valentine messages to someone we love.

Example: The cat slept on the couch.


Create a but sentence about your character.

Example. Lions are an endangered species, so some people are trying to save them.


Create three detail sentences to go with this topic sentence.

I love Valentine's Day!


Create a topic sentence for these details:

Some people celebrate by going out to dinner with someone they love.

Lots of people exchange flowers or special cards.

It is a day to let the people you care about know how much they mean to you.

Valentine's Day is a holiday that celebrates love.


Please fix the following sentence: (Hint- there's more than one error)

i read harry potter while i was on the airplane going to san diego, california

Last June I went to the city of Johannesburg on the continent of Africa.

Give a concluding sentence for this paragraph:

My favorite food is chocolate. I like to eat chocolate ice cream and brownies. Chocolate cake with chocolate icing is the best! Most of all, I like to just eat plain old dark chocolate chips.