Which their/there/they're is the possessive form?
RUPT means ________
to break
What are the three reasons a writer writes a story?
Place the Comma(s):
Tegan wants to go home but Sarah doesn't want to leave yet.
Tegan wants to go home, but Sarah doesn't want to leave yet.
We walk/walked in the park yesterday.
Which form of your/you're is used to mean 'you are'?
PHON means _____
Which type of written piece tells a story (usually fiction)?
Place the comma(s):
I went to lunch with my mother brother and sister.
I went to lunch with my mother, brother, and sister.
She ran/run to the store.
Which form of to/too/two means 'also/excessive'?
VIS means _____
to see
How many reasons/supporting details should be in an essay?
3 reasons with 2 supporting details each
Identify the error(s).
Will the plane will land at 5:30pm.
Will the plane land at 5:30pm?
I will calls/call the bakery.
Led or Lead: He _ the blind man to the ice cream shop.
CHRON means _____
Tell me the 5 paragraphs of an essay
Body paragraphs (R1, R2, and R3)
Identify the error(s).
Fifth grade students are celebrating valentine's day next week.
Fifth grade students are celebrating Valentine's Day next week.
There is/are thirty-one days in July.
Accept or Except: Will you please _ my help?
TELE means _____
distant or far
Identify the verb in this sentence
Ms. Briner, Mrs. Riley, and Mrs. Robinson are out for a delicious lunch.
Fix the errors: (Hint - there are 8)
today May 5th is mrs barretts birthday
Today, May 5th, is Mrs. Barrett's birthday!
He needs/need to use the backdoor.