This letter is round, and the lowercase form is identical to the uppercase, only smaller. What letter is this?
What is the letter "O"?
When writing the number "5," how many straight lines do you need to make?
What is "2"?
When writing a sentence, you should put a space between each of these.
What are "words"?
A capital letter that consists of 4 straight lines.
What is the letter "E"?
Are there upper and lowercase numbers?
What is "no"?
This is the number of spaces you should leave after a period before starting the next sentence.
What is "one"?
This capital letter is written with one straight line and a curve at the bottom. What is it?
What is the letter "J"?
This number is represented by a small circle, what is it?
What is "0"?
After this punctuation mark, you always leave a space before the next word.
What is a "period"?
This capital letter is made up of two diagonal lines that meet at the bottom and a straight line across the top.
(Hint: to draw this letter, start at the top point)
What is the letter "A"?
To write this number, you start at the top and make two curves to the right that meet in the middle. What number is it?
What is the number "3"?
This is the name of the little blank area you leave between words so they don’t run together.
What is a "space"?
This lowercase letter is written with a straight line up and a round loop at the bottom. What is it?
What is the letter "p"?
To write this number, you start with a straight line down, then curve around to make a loop at the bottom. What is it?
What is the number "6"?
You can use this tool to help you properly space your words out in a sentence.
What is your "finger"?