Renfrow is a Weirdo
Renfrow is a Creeper
Renfrow is Bizarre
Renfrow is a Lunatic
Renfrow is Nice??
Name the 8 parts of speech.
What is noun, verb, pronoun, adjective, adverb, interjection, conjunction, preposition.
Who is the author of Taming of the Shrew?
Who is William Shakespeare?
The three components that make up an independent clause.
What is subject, verb, and a complete thought?
What is the setting of Taming of the Shrew?
What is Padua, Italy?
What are the definitions of lay and lie?
What is lay means to set something down, and lie means to rest?
What type of sentence is this? Despite being a good person, my brother makes me angry sometimes.
What is complex?
Singular possessive. Where should the apostrophe be placed to show that it is a singular possessive? Soaring through the sky, the Power Rangers aircraft pursued the villains.
What is Ranger's?
What type of sentence is this? My mother drove my sister and I to the store.
What is simple?
What type of sentence is this? It was raining cats and dogs, so I put on my raincoat and hurried home.
What is compound?
What type of sentence is this? After the wedding reception, my family drove to the store, and we bought a large cake to celebrate.
What is compound-complex?
Name the five major genres.
What is fiction, non-fiction, poetry, play/drama, and folklore?
Who is the protagonist in Taming of the Shrew?
Who is Katherine?
Who is the antagonist in Taming of the Shrew?
Who is Petruchio? or even traditional stereotypes held against women?
Give an example of an infinitive topic sentence.
What is "To [verb] ..., ...."?
Plural possessives. Where should the apostrophe go to show this is a plural possessive (i.e. more than one)? Lunch is going to be served in the teachers classes from now on
What is teachers'?
What is the theme of Taming of the Shrew?
What is ...many possible lessons.
Correctly add a semicolon in the following sentence: The group couldn't make it to the summit and back before dark, so they decided to camp for the night.
What is "dark; they..."?
Give an example of a however topic sentence.
What is "....; however, ..."?
Fill in the correct version of either lay or lie for the following sentence: c. Did you see my fake police badge? It was __________ over there.
What is lying?
What is the correct order for an outline?
What is "I. A. 1. a. i."
How would you cite the following information? The How and Why About Global Warming By Timothy Robinson 2005 Boston Random House Books
What is "Robinson, Timothy. The How and Why About Global Warming. Boston: Random House Books, 2005."
Correctly label the following sentence (for the points you must get at least 8 of the 9 correct): The pink talking alligator makes me laugh and laugh.
What is "the = adj., pink = adj., talking = adj., alligator = noun, makes = verb, me = pronoun, laugh = verb, and = conjunction, laugh = verb."
Name at least five types of figurative language and provide an example of each.
What is simile, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, symbolism, onomatopoeia, alliteration?
How would you cite the following information: No author listed Date Read: January 15, 2009 Date Updated: October 29, 2008 Webpage Title: Climate Change: Basic Information Sponsoring Organization: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
What is "Climate Change: Basic Information. 15 / Jan / 2009. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 29 / Oct / 2008. ."?
Correct the following sentence for punctuation: It rained heavily during the afternoon however we managed to have our picnic anyway.
What is "afternoon; however,"?