Writing Process
Non-Fiction Text
Open Response
In this part of the writing process, you use your best handwriting and spelling. You also make sure that all of the revisions you made are included.
What is Publishing?
These are used to let your reader know the purpose of the following paragraph(s).
What are Sub-headings?
This word means that the reader is able to read the text/words that you have written.
What is legibility? (legible)
This is the repetition of sounds at the beginning of words. Ex: Betty Butter bought some batter.............."
What is alliteration?
This part of speech shows strong feelings.
What is an interjection?
These are the five stages of the writing process.
What are prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
Information is sometimes presented within boxes inside of the feature article. This information is usually related to the article and is displayed as...
What are charts, illustrations, and graphs?
This word means to tell the meaning of a term.
What is define?
This type of of poetry consists of lines that do not have a rhythm or a rhyme.
What is free verse?
Nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions and interejections are examples of this.
What are the eight parts of speech.
It is important to consider this when determining what you will be writing about.
What is, "Who is the intended audience of my paper?"
These paragraphs usually contain information that helps the reader to understand and learn more about the topic.
What is the Body or Middle Paragraphs?
This word means to make plain, clarify, and to analyze, and requires specific details.
What is explain?
This word is the speaker's attitude shown through word choice.
What is tone?
This is a tool that helps us arrange put our thoughts in order.
What is a graphic organizer?
In this part of the writing process, you incorporate suggested changes for grammar and language mechanics and make your writing flow smoothly.
What is Editing?
A feature article or a textbook entry is an example of this kind of writing.
What is to inform?
This word means to write what you read in a short version - making sure that you include the highlights.
What is Summarize?
This type of poetry is the most widely read and listened to poetry today.
What is Lyrical poetry?
Personification, similies and metaphors are examples of this.
What is Figurative Language?
In this part of writing, you organize and plan your writing piece. You may brainstorm your ideas, use a web, or other graphic organizers.
What is Prewriting?
This paragraph usually lets your reader know the purpose of writing and usually does something to catch the reader’s attention?
What is the introduction or opening paragraph?
These two words mean to show ways that things are alike or are different.
What is compare and contrast?
These words represent the "elements of a short story".
What is exposition, inciting moment, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.
This line is the ending of a famous Christmas Song: "Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!"
What is "It Was the Night Before Christmas"