Writing Prompts
Test Basics
Main Points
Sentence Edits

You have read the poem “Birdfoot’s Grampa” that describes a man helping toads cross the street in a rainstorm. Pretend you are one of the toads on the road. Write a story from the perspective of one of the toads that describes your thoughts and feelings of being in the rainstorm before, during, and after the man pick you up to help you. 

What mode of writing is this prompt asking you to use? 

Narrative Writing 


How many minutes do you have to complete your test? 

75 Minutes


How many total points are you able to earn for your writing on the state test? 

12 points 


You have read Ruth Spencer Johnson’s short drama “Standing Up By Sitting In” in which four high school students challenge laws that keep blacks and whites separate. In an essay, determine a main theme of the drama and how the character’s actions, thoughts, and words contribute to that theme. 

What two main points could you use for this prompt? 

1. Tell the main theme 

2. explain how the character’s actions, thoughts, and words contribute to that theme. 


Rewrite this sentence correctly: 

The text states "the clock struck twelve as cinderella scurried down the stairs"

The text states, "The clock struck twelve as Cinderella scurried down the stairs."


You have read the fable “Troll and Dragon” by Maggie Murphy, in which Gabriel, a prince, must find a way to beat a troll and a dragon. One of the themes of this fable is that a person does not have to fight to win. Write an essay that explains this theme through reasoning, details, and evidence from the text.

What mode of writing is this prompt asking you to use? 

Informative Writing 


What is the first two things you should do when you start your writing test? (In the correct order) 

Read the prompt and then read the passage 


According to the "Development of Ideas" section of the rubric, what do you have to use to support the points or claims you make in your essay?

Evidence and details from the text


You have read Kerry McGee’s story “Emergency on the Mountain” in which a young girl must act quickly when there is an emergency on the mountain where she lives. In an essay, explain how Ana’s studies help her in the emergency and why it is important that Ana continue her education.

What two main points could you use for this prompt? 

1. Explain how Ana’s studies help her in the emergency

2. Explain why it is important that Ana continue her education


Write this sentence correctly: 

In the text "carley's dream" the auther explains that carley is a cat who learned how too become a human

In the text "Carley's Dream" the author explains that Carley is a cat who learned how to become a human. 


You have read Ruth Spencer Johnson’s short drama “Standing Up By Sitting In” in which four high school students challenge laws that keep blacks and whites separate. In the drama, the author describes the students’ commitment to nonviolence. In an essay, determine if you think the protesters’ actions were brave or not. Be sure to use reasoning, details, and evidence from the text to support your opinion.

Which mode of writing is the prompt asking you to use? 

Argumentative/Opinion Writing 


List three examples of transitional phrases you can use to introduce text evidence.

Answer choices may vary.


According to the "Writing Organization" section of the rubric what two paragraphs MUST you include to receive extra points? 

Introduction and Conclusion


You have read Kerry McGee’s story “Emergency on the Mountain” in which a young girl must act quickly when there is an emergency on the mountain where she lives. In the story, the narrator describes how Ana’s community is not near a hospital. In an essay, explain why the village nurses’ jobs are so important and how they help support the community. 

What two main points should you use for this prompt? 

1. explain why the nurses' jobs are so important

2. explain how the nurses in the passage help support the community


Write the sentence correctly: 

have you ever wonder when animal play is impertante for young?

Have you ever wondered why animal play is important for young?


You have read Caroline Elizabeth Sarah Norton’s poem “We Have Been Friends Together” in which the speaker describes a conflict in a friendship. Create a journal entry from the perspective of the speaker that describes possible specific details and events that could cause the parting the speaker mentions at the end of each stanza. Be sure to use the inferences you make from the poem to ensure the journal entry is as believable as possible.

Which mode of writing is this prompt asking you to use? 

Narrative Writing


What is the last thing you should do when you are finished typing before you submit your writing? 



What three types of sentences should you include in your writing? 

simple, compound, complex


You have read the poem “Swarm” by Alan King in which the speaker witnesses two boys fight. Analyze the figurative language in the poem. The speaker remembers the fight he engaged in, even though it was twenty years ago. In an opinion essay, determine why this memory is significant for him and how this memory contributes to the person he is today.

What two main points should you use for this prompt? 

1. This memory is significant for him because____________. 

2. This memory made him the person he is today by _________________.


Write this sentence correctly: 

the author say that, “playing lets young animal try out different ways of doing things again and again in a safe ways without getting hurt.

The author says that, “Playing lets young animals try out different ways of doing things again and again in a safe ways without getting hurt." 


You have read the article “A Rough and Rugged Road” by Libby Wilson about an African American teacher and businesswoman, Maggie Lena Walker. In the text, Walker is described as having a difficult childhood. In an essay, explain how she approached these obstacles in her early life and that continuous mindset contributes to success later in life. 

Which mode of writing is the prompt asking you to use? 

Informative Writing


Create the second square of a four square including the word hints. 

Answer on board


How many sections are there in the state rubric? How many points is each section worth? 

4 sections. Two sections are worth four points and  two sections are worth two points. 


You have read Alberto Rios’s poem “The Border: A Double Sonnet” in which the speaker describes a border. Determine a major theme of the poem and explain how the speaker’s discussion of broken things impacts the meaning of that theme. 

What two main points could you use for this prompt? 

1. A major theme of this poem is _____________.

2. The speaker's discussion of broken things shows this theme by _________________. 


Write the sentence correctly: 

in conclusion,The author states 2 main points about the pasage?

In conclusion, the author states two main points about the passage.