Co- Occuring/ Seeking Saftey/ Trauma
12- Steps
Mindfulness/ coping

What does CBT stand for? 

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 


what does Co- Occuring mean? 

It means having both Mental Health Disorder and a Substance Use Disorder.

Recite the serenity prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to know the difference. 


What does WRAP stand for?

Wellness Recovery Action Plan


What is mindfulness and why is it important? 

Mindfulness is Process of being present 

Focus on the here and now 

rewire the brain (neuroplasticity) 

opposite of addiction 


What are the 3 focuses in CBT?

Thoughts, Feelings (Emotions) and Behaviors

What is the First stage of Healing from PTSD and Substance use Disorder? (According to Seeking Safety Group)

1. SAFETY- Goal is to stabilize and protect yourself from destructive people and situations.


What are the three principles that are indispensable to recovery (according to NA) 



Name 3 of the Foundational Principles of Recovery

Hope, Personal Responsibility, Support, Education, Self Advocacy and Spirituality


Give 5 coping skills you have practiced this week? 

Coloring, walking, deep breathing, exercising, grounding activities, mediation, journaling, crocheting, reading, self-care, playing the tape forward, listening to music.


Name 3 cognitive distortions.

All or nothing thinking, catastrophizing, minimizing, jumping to conclusions, magical, personalization, labeling, emotional reasoning, mental filter, Disqualifying the positive, overgeneralizing, Should / must statements, Always and Never statement


What is a Relapse and One warning sign of a relapse?

Relapse is process of returning to old coping skills (active using drugs and alcohol) 

Stress, changes, unhealthy relationships, isolations, not taking medications, missing meetings


Name two 12- step groups



what are two triggers you have (1 internal/ 1 external)

Internal: Feelings, emotions, thought

External: Relationships/ Behaviors / Smells (people places things)


what are two different techniques for breathing? 

Box breathing, rainbow breathing, hand breathing, counting breaths, hand on chest breathing, longer out than in breath (sigh breathing) 


Please give an example of reframing negative internal self talk. 

ex. I am unlovable, no one loves me. 

reframe: I can learn to love myself. 

True or False: We need to Share our Trauma to heal from Trauma. 

False: Often in sharing traumatic experiences we can retraumatize ourselves, we can dissociate from our own story and become numb.

 Healing can happen in the here and now by addressing the feelings and not the event. 


What are you looking for in a sponsor? 

someone that has what i want, at least a year of recovery, someone who can guide me through the steps, someone who is available to help me, someone who i respect and respects me.


Give an example of how Daily Maintenace and Early warning signs can be related? 

ex. If on my daily maintenance is hygiene (shower, brushing my teeth, getting dressed) it can be an early warning sign that im not doing well when i start to neglect hygiene for a few days. 


Explain Urge Surfing

Urge surfing- in this approach, cravings and urges are not seen as a mystical, overpowering force but as a series of passing thoughts and feelings that peak and then disappear like a wave. Using their breath as a surfboard and visualizing the craving as a wave and riding the wave to the shore.


What is a tactic (on the thinking report)? 

Behaviors we use to get what we want or to avoid what we don't want 

ex. Avoidance (playing dumb, lying by omission, being vague) Diversion (self shaming to avoid responsibility, introducing irrelevant issues, pointing out the faults of others) Aggression (Arguing, staff splitting, sarcasm and teasing) 


what are two signs that a relationship is abusive? (from the wheel of power and control) 

Using isolation, using intimidation, using emotional abuse, minimizing blaming and denying, using children, using male privilege, using economic abuse, using coercion. 


What is the benefit of a 12-step program?

1. Accountability 

2. Fellowship

3. Identification 

What are some Action steps i can take when things start breaking down? 

Ex. Using coping skills (go for a walk, color, go bowling, call a support person, go to a support group, seek out professional help) 

Give an example of connecting with values when confronted by a trigger?

ex. I run into a using freind and they ask if i want to get high, I realize in the moment I value my recovery and my new sober relationships with my kids so choose to say no to using.