Being Professional
Medical Terminology
Human Body Anatomy
Rotation Station

What must you do before making contact with a patient?

Sanitize and/or wash your hands.

Nephrology is the study of...

the kidneys

What is the largest bone in the human body?

The Femur


Name the three subatomic particles.

Neutrons, electrons, and protons.


A patient comes in with abdominal pain and vomiting for a few days. His pain started in the center of the abdomen but now, has moved to the right lower flank. He is tender to palpation in the RLQ. What diagnosis is most likely given the location of the pain?

a) Small bowel obstruction 

b) Appendicitis 

c) Kidney Stones 

d) Cholecystitis 

b) Appendicitis 

What are three things that you would ask a patient when taking their social history?

Alcohol intake, substance use, athletic lifestyle, smoking history, etc.


What is a hematoma?

A solid swelling of clotted blood within the tissues.


What are the series of wave-like muscle contractions that guide food down the esophagus?



Waxes, Fats, and Oils are classified as?



Which of the following is a sign of hypothyroidism?

a) Hair loss

b) Cold intolerance 

c) Tachycardia 

d) Diarrhea 

b) Cold Intolerance

What is an otologist?

They specialize in medical and surgical treatment of dizziness, hearing loss, and tumors of the ear.


The inability to speak, or impairment of speech is called...

Aphasia or dysphasia


What is the superficial layer of skin called?

The epidermis


Name the 4 major macromolecules.

Proteins, Lipids, Carbohydrates, and Nucleic Acids


A 54YF with history of Hashitomotos thyroiditis comes to the clinic. When you perform a thyroid exam on her, what findings would you expect?

a) Firm and enlarged 

b) Soft and enlarged 

c) Firm single nodule 

d) Multiple firm nodules 

a) Firm and enlarged

What is another name for an otolaryngologist?

Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist - ENT.


What do the suffixes -dynia and -algia mean?



What part of the brain controls balance, movement, and coordination?

The cerebellum


A bond formed by the transfer of electrons is called an...

ionic bond


A 32YM comes to the clinic with complains of insomnia, irritability, and difficulty concentrating for the past 3 months. He reports that these symptoms began after he survived a severe car accident. He experiences recurrent intrusive memories of the accident and avoids driving or discussing the event. What is the most appropriate diagnosis? 

a) Adjustment Disorder

b) Generalized Anxiety Disorder 

c) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 

d) Acute Stress Disorder

C) Post-traumatic Stress Disorder


Where do you place the tuning fork for a Weber test vs Rinne test? 

Weber = place tuning fork on head 

Rinne = Mastoid then by ear (External auditory canal) 


What is the meaning of the word "blepharospasm"?

An involuntary tight closure of the eyelids.


How many phalanges are in the human body? 

BE CAREFUL WITH THIS QUESTION! Do the math. Remember how many phalanges are in each finger and each toe.

56 phalanges!


Which of the following organelles is directly connected to the outer membrane of the nucleus in a eukaryotic cell? 

a) Mitochondrion 

b) Lysosome 

c) Golgi Apparatus 

d) Endoplasmic Reticulum

d) Endoplasmic Reticulum


A crackle-pop like sound is heard bilaterally in the lower posterior lung fields. These lobes are also dull to percussion but normal resonance. What are possible concerns with these findings?

a) Pneumothorax

b) Asthma 

c) Pleurisy 

d) Pleural Effusion 

d) Pleural Effusion