What is the TAM?
Test Administration Manual (the guide to all things testing).
Who should you ask any testing questions you have?
School Coordinator (Kuhn) or Administrators
Calculators are provided for which grade levels?
8th, 7th, and for certain parts of 6th grade Math assessment
To begin the test, TAs must read this.
The script from the TAM verbatim.
What should be done with student scratch paper?
Returned with testing materials for shredding.
When we give the “real thing”, instead of clicking “module” or “benchmark” we will click this.
*A new window pops up to make sure you want to be giving this test.
What must be removed or covered in the testing room?
Content related posters/materials
Students have this much time to complete the assessments.
Unlimited Time (Writing assessment must be completed in one day).
After a student’s test is paused for this long they can no longer review or change any previously answered question.
20 minutes
What should students do once they’ve finished an assessment but others are still testing?
Have something quiet to do (no device allowed).
Why are we giving the Benchmark assessments this month?
To mirror the GSA and work out any kinks (so please let us know what you want to change!)
Teachers and school administrators are responsible for checking this legal report prior to testing.
ACC.OMS Report on WVEIS (accommodations report)
How do we handle devices in the testing room (prior to test beginning)?
Collect devices/allow students to put them in lockers and remind students that devices in the testing room may result in the device being confiscated.
What should teachers be doing while students are testing?
Actively monitoring (walk around to ensure that students are on task, provide technical assistance if needed, verify that embedded accommodations are working properly)
What should you do once all students have completed the assessment in your room?
Return testing materials to the concession stand and sign them in; Complete MAE.4SA report
Teachers will record if students meet testing expectations for this.
Same-day reward! (Open to suggestions - can tie to something bigger later as well)
What materials will be provided in your “class pack”? (9 Things)
Testing Roster, Testing Door Sign, Pencils, Scratch paper, Expectations Checklist, Multiplication/100 charts for students with accommodations, Test Security Log, After testing activities, and Print out of Accommodations Checklist
What is the procedure if there is a device in the testing room during testing?
Device should be confiscated and taken to an administrator.
If it disrupts the testing environment, record the irregularity on the test security log and discuss with the school coordinator.
A testing incident that impacts one or more students during testing is considered this.
Who must complete the MAE.4SA report after testing?
Anyone who administered the assessment to the student.
What are HEMS’ testing dates?
Writing: March 6th, Reading: April 23rd, Math: April 25th, Science (8th only): April 29th
What training is required to administer the WVGSA? (3)
Online TA Certification, Policy 2340 (this), and Reviewing the TAM
What assistance CAN be provided during the assessments?
•Clarifying scripted directions only if a student asks;
•Verifying correct test and settings; and
•Assisting students with technical difficulties, including logging in and verifying that the sound works on their computers.
A testing incident that causes a threat to the validity of the test is considered this.
All scores are this until their official release in Fall ’24.
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