German Kaiser that issued the blank check.
Who was William II?
1914 battle halting the German advance towards Paris.
What was the Marne Battle?
Famous battle at the Dardanelles Strait involving Britain's ANZAC forces.
What was Galipoli?
Orthodox priest with mystical powers claiming to heal the czar's son of hemophilia.
Who was Rasputin?
This treaty created new countries from the defeated empires of Europe.
What was the Versailles Treaty?
American president during World War I.
Who was Woodrow Wilson?
Defensive warfare used along the Western Front.
What was trench warfare?
Due to poor mobilization the Russians suffered 90,000 casualties in this battle.
What was Tannenberg?
Popular slogan used by the Bolsheviks to seize power during the revolution.
What was "Peace, Land and Bread!"
The US, France, Britain and Italy called at the Paris Peace Conference.
Who were the Big 4 Powers?
Heir apparent to the Austro-Hungary assassinated in Sarajevo.
Who was Francis Ferdinand?
The longest battle on the Western Front.
What was the Verdun Battle?
Term described the Russian military after suffering significant losses and large surrenders along the Eastern Front.
What was demoralization?
He headed the short term Provisional Govt. after the Czar's abdication from power.
Who was Alexander Kerensky?
Article 231 of the Versailles Treaty contained this clause blaming Germany.
What was the War Guilt Clause?
Led the Bolsheviks during the Russian Revolution.
Who was Vladmir Lenin?
This German general launched a counterattack against the Allies along the Western Front.
Who was Gen. Ludendorff?
British officer that trained the Arabs to fight the Ottoman Turks at Aqaba.
Who was Lawrence of Arabia?
As the Red Commissar Trotsky carried out this program to win the Russian Civil War against the Whites.
What was War Communism?
Wilson's ideal of an international organization to prevent future wars.
What was the League of Nations?
Last Russian czar that abdicated.
Who was Nicholas II?
Strategy used by both sides to the point of exhaustion.
What was the War of Attrition?
This Central Power controlled most of the Middle East until the end of WW I.
What was the Ottoman Empire?
Czar's winter palace near the Baltic.
Where was St. Petersburg?
The Mandate System was created from territories of this Middle Eastern Empire.
What was the Ottoman Empire?