Case Law
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2024 in Review
Circuit Court

this decision determined A navigable waterway is capable of floating a canoe on a recurring basis during the ......

part 2, name the case

what is the spring freshets

DeGayner & Co., Inc. v. Department of Natural Resources, 70 Wis.2d 936, 236 N.W.2d 217 (1975) A stream is navigable if it is navigable in fact at recurring times each year long enough to make the stream useful as a highway. 

"...the test [for navigability] is whether the stream has periods of navigable capacity which ordinarily recur from year to year, e.g., spring freshets, or has continued navigable long enough to make it useful as a highway for recreation or commerce. The test is not whether the stream is navigable in a normal or natural condition, but whether it is in some sense permanently navigable, i.e., regularly recurring or of a duration sufficient to make it conducive to recreational uses." 


A wetland must have water in this location

part 2 name the duration that water must be in this area

what is at, near or above the land surface long enough to be capable of supporting aquatic or hydrophytic vegetation


Name the only statute in our program that can be a criminal violation

What is S. 30.12, Wis Stats?


Another name for a public notice document is....

(2 answers)

What is.....

Notice of Complete Application

Notice of pending application


 this statute requires dam owners to pass a certain flow through a dam.  Name the "flow" and the statute

What is 

DNR does have the ability to require more than 25% flow through:


Article 9 of the State Constitution mirrors the NW Ordinance and states this

What is

β€œThe navigable waters leading into the Mississippi and St. Lawrence, and the carrying places between the same shall be common highways, and forever free, as well as to the inhabitants of said territory, as to the citizens of the United States, and those of any other states that may be admitted into the confederacy, without any tax, impost or duty therefore.”


this photo is an example of....

what is downdrift flanking


The Willow River v Wade 1898 case established this part of the public trust doctrine

What is the right to use a navigable waterway for fishing

Willow River Club v. Wade, 100 Wis. 86 (1898) 

Stream bed title in riparian owner; right to fish is a public right. Question was as to right to take fish from Willow River; discusses ownership of bed of stream and trust doctrine. What is navigable water. Distinction between navigable water of the United States and navigable water of the state. Who owns fish in water of United States as contrasted to state. Who owns fish in water. Riparian owners can't prevent fishing in navigable water. 


Name the Statute and Code references to wetland regulations

what are:

ch. 23 Wis Stats

281.36 Wis Stats

NR 103 Wis Adm Code

NR 299 Wis Adm Code

NR 115/117 Wis Adm Code

NR 116 Wis Adm Code


This statute gives us jurisdiction to issue a citation for a chapter 30 violation

What is S. 30.298(4), Wis Stats


If a caller is asking about the purple layer on the SWDV for a property for sale we recommend the use of......

what is the Wetland Addendum


A dam plan approval is needed for a new dam on a .......

name the case law that gives us the current definition

What is a watercourse

Hoyt v. City of Hudson, 27 Wis 656 (1871) 

Discusses distinction between the flow of surface waters and a watercourse. The Court defines "watercourse" as follows: 

"The term `watercourse' is well defined. There must be a stream usually flowing in a particular direction, though it need not flow continually. It may sometimes be dry. It must flow in a definite channel, having a bed, sides or banks, and usually discharge itself into some other stream or body of water. It must be something more than a mere surface drainage over the entire surface of a tract of land, occasioned by unusual freshets or other extraordinary causes. It does not include the water flowing in the hollows or ravines in land which is the mere surface waters from rain or melting snow, and is discharged through them from a higher to a lower level, but which at other times are destitute of water. Such hollows or ravines are not in legal contemplation water-courses." 


the public has the right to enjoy natural scenic beauty as a public trust right in a navigable waterway under this decision

What is:

Muench v. PSC, 261 Wis. 492 (1952) 

Trust doctrine extends to land only as long as it remains under navigable water. "Navigable in fact". PSC considers fishing, scenic beauty, boating, and hunting as public rights in authorizing dam. 


The correct OHWM color is:

What is: 

red, this is the Wolf River so has very high spring water levels


This decision in reference to duck hunting on Horicon Marsh provided ....

part 2 name the case

What is our current OHWM definition

Diana Shooting Club v. Husting, 156 Wis. 261 (1914) 

The public rights in navigable waters includes the right to hunt; the trust doctrine extends to the protection of this right. 

Ordinary highwater mark defined: "By ordinary high-water mark is meant the point on the bank or shore up to which the presence and action of the water is so continuous as to leave a distinct mark either by erosion, destruction of terrestrial vegetation, or other easily recognized characteristic. And where the bank or shore at any particular place is of such a character that it is impossible or difficult to ascertain where the point of ordinary high-water mark is, recourse may be had to other places on the bank or shore of the same stream or lake to determine whether a given stage of water is above or below ordinary highwater mark." 


what case law supported shoreland wetland protection?

What is Just v Marinette?

Just v. Marinette County, 56 Wis.2d 7 (1972) 

Compensation is necessary when restrictions are placed on property in order to create a public benefit rather than to prevent a public harm. A shoreland ordinance which maintains the natural status quo of the environment does not create a public benefit, but alleviates a public harm. 

The Court stated, "Is the ownership of a parcel of land so absolute that man can change its nature to suit any of his purposes?...An owner of land has no absolute and unlimited right to change the essential natural character of his land so as to use it for a purpose for which it was unsuited in its natural state and which injures the rights of others...It is not an unreasonable exercise of the [police power] to prevent harm to public rights by limiting the use of private property to its natural uses." 

If a regulation is to avoid a public harm, then effects on private landowners are not compensable unless the regulation results in a value diminution to the landowner which is so great as to amount to a confiscation. 

The depreciation of land value resulting from a state restriction is not to be based on what the land would be worth if it could be filled and used for commercial or residential development, but on the use of the land in its natural state. In reaching this conclusion, the Court stated, 

"The Justs argue their property has been severely depreciated in value. But this depreciation of value is not based on the use of the land in its natural state but on what the land would be worth if it could be filled and used for the location of a dwelling. While loss of value is to be considered in determining whether a restriction is a constructive taking, value based upon changing the character of the land at the expense of harm to public rights is not an essential factor or controlling." 


what statutory authority do we have to address unauthorized dams?

What is S. 30.12, 31.05, 31.12, Wis Stats


We need this to make a legally defensible decision

What is resource manager input


A large dam meets these standards

what is:

It has a structural height of 25 feet or more and impounds more than 15 acre-feet of water.

or it has a structural height of more than 6 feet and impounds 50 acre-feet


This case discussed whether an artificial channel that is connected to a navigable water is regulated under chapter 30, Wis Stats

Klingseisen v. DNR, 163 Wis.2d 921 (1991) 

The waters are public because the channel, although artificially created, is connected to and maintained by the waters of Green Bay. The channels have no existence independent of Green Bay. Wisconsin courts have addressed the same situation in early cases where a navigable waterway was artificially raised over private property 

 The public trust doctrine, to be effective, must also extend to public, artificial waters that are directly and inseparably connected with natural, navigable waters.


Name this plant with yellow flowers:

 What is: Euthamia graminifolia β€“ grass leaf goldenrod  

Usually goldenrods are in the Solidago family


the Sterlingworth decision gave us language about.....

what are cumulative impacts

Sterlingworth Condominium Assoc. V DNR, 205 Wis 2d. 702(Ct. App., 1996) 

This case deals with the cumulative impacts of piers, boats and other riparian impacts on the shores of navigable waters. It updates Hixon and provides excellent language on cumulative impacts of piers and boats in the near shore area. The Court stated: 

"Whether it is one, nine or ninety boat slips, each slip allows one more boat which inevitably risks further damage to the environment and impairs the public's interest in the lakes....In our opinion, the DNR, in limiting Sterlingworth's permit...carried out its assigned duty as protector of the overall public interest in maintaining one of Wisconsin's most important natural resources." 


Name 3 options for identifying where wetlands are on a property?

What are:

1. wetland ID

2. wetland delineation



We should consider these issues under S. 30.03, Wis Stats

What is:

Nuisance abatement.

do we want penalties assigned?

Is injuctive relief needed?

is restoration needed?

do we (DNR) have experience with the judges for this county?


This is the role of DNR in a neighboring pier dispute?

What is:

1. refer them to a consultant

2. provide pier planner

3. 30.14

4. NR 326 Wis Adm Code

5. utilize your psychology degree


 A gate with a curved upstream plate or skin and radial arms hinged to piers or other supporting structure is a.....

what is a tainter gate


Prior to Statehood, name a reference to the public trust doctrine?

What is:

Roman Law

Magna Carta

NW ordinance

Equal footing


name this animal:

What is: 

Tritogonia verrucosa, pistolgrip mussel


Olsen v Merrill used this test to determine if a waterway is navigable 

part 2 describe the standards from the case

What is the saw log test


When reviewing the soil maps there are one letter descriptions after the unit name (A,B,C.....).  what do these one letter descriptions represent?

what are slope percents?


What tools should you consider when working with an uncooperative person?

What are:

1. conflict resolution

2. verbal judo

3. compliment sandwich

4. empathy


explain the difference between a Findings of Fact and the Conclusions of Law in a template document

What is:

FOF - facts we used to support our decision

COL - our authority to issue the permit


This code allows dikes, embankments or low berms with a design embankment height of 2' or less above the natural ground and with less than 50 acre-feet of storage to not have to be designed by a professional engineer

what is NR 353, Wis Adm Code


this case said that the "The legislature has no more authority to emancipate itself from the obligation resting upon it which was assumed at the commencement of its statehood, to preserve for the benefit of all the people forever the enjoyment of the navigable waters within its boundaries, than it has to donate the school fund or the state capitol to a private purpose."

What is Priewe v. Wis. S. L. & Imp. Co., 103 Wis. 537 (1899) 


name this tall herbacious plant:

What is: Heracleum maximum– cow parsnip

can grow to 10' tall