Cumulative impacts.
What is Hixon or Sterlingworth?
What part of the following structure would be used to determine the waterway setback in the shoreland zoning ordinance?
What is the deck?
What is Yellowstone National Park?
If you're interviewing a contractor and they keep on giving you the "blank stare", refusing to look you in the eye, keep asking why they are there, keep blaming the property owner - they are acting very.....this?
What is sus?
State regulatory dam er' no?
What is er' no?
Natural beaver dam
In a civil court case, one may find themselves paying some sort of monetary price for their mistake. What is this?
What is a forfeiture?
A feature that has the following:
1. Directional flow
2. Channelized
3. Bed/Bank
What is a watercourse?
This civil war veteran (first and last name) fought for the anglers of today
Who is Frank Wade
In addition to maintenance activities, what two projects can be done on a non-conforming structure that would not count towards the Wisconsin 50% rule, per the model floodplain ordinance?
What is:
1. Construct a deck less than 200 SF adjacent to an exterior wall.
2. Elevate the lowest floor to the flood protection level.
What is Willow River State Park?
Let's be honest, everybody in this room exudes this - some just a little more than others. If you have a great attitude, can smooth talk the attorneys, convince a landowner to voluntarily restore their site, have lots of PMA, your daughter would likely tell her friends that her parents have totes this....
What is Rizz?
State regulatory dam er' no?
What is er' no?
Federally regulated dam
If you and your spouse are having a disagreement about the need for the reissuance of a public notice, this level of evidence is likely what you will need. However, still less evidence than agreeing who forgot to close the garage door.
What is "clear and convincing"?
The person that makes the final call for a watercourse determination.
Who is the WMS?
“The wisdom of the policy which, in the organic laws of our state, steadfastly and carefully preserved to the people the full and free use of public waters, cannot be questioned, nor should it be limited or curtailed by narrow constructions...."
What is Diana Shooting Club v Husting
The wave height needed for an area to be included in a VE zone.
What is greater than 3 ft?
What is Governor Dodge State Park?
Being a WMS/WME/Sup and dealing with the normal day-to-day workload grind sometimes builds up and it may make you feel like you are going to go crazy (not far to go for some of us) or losing your mind. Sometimes you might just want to scream into a pillow, pack your bags or just leave for the day. Your teen would likely say that you've done this....
What is 'Crash out'?
State regulatory dam er' no?
What is state regulatory dam?
Manmade structure designed to impound water that is constructed across a watercourse.
Something that is legally enforceable and can be delivered by our WMEs, a judge or a court.
What is an order?
Case citation for Watercourse definition. Extra credit for the year.
What is Hoyt v City of Hudson - 1871?
Navigability definitions have changed over the past 150 years. Name the 3 major cases in order related to navigability citing the main change in each one.
What are: 1) Olsen v Merrill - saw log; 2) Meunch v PSC - recreational uses; 3) DeGaynor v DNR - recurring basis
Name 4 of the reasons a shoreland-wetland district shall not be rezoned.
What are significant adverse impacts to:
1. Storm and flood water storage capacity
2. Maintenance of dry season stream flow, the discharge of groundwater to a wetland, the recharge of groundwater from a wetland to another area, or the flow of groundwater through a wetland.
3. Filtering or storage of sediments, nutrients heavy metals or organic compounds that would otherwise drain into navigable waters.
4. Shoreline protection against soil erosion
5. Fish spawning, breeding, nursery, or feeding grounds.
6 Wildlife habitat
7. Areas of special recreational, scenic, or scientific interest, including scarce wetland types.
What is Council Grounds State Park?
If you do something really-really, exceptionally well, and you're crushing it. Maybe you've processed 6 permits, returned 10 emails, responded to a legislative contact, and answered 6 phone calls all in one day; if so, you are said to have done this? In other words you.....
What is ate it up? and left no crumbs!!
State regulatory dam er' no?
What is er' no?
Not across a watercourse.
By providing advice, answering certain questions, making a jurisdictional determination, you may be brought into a dispute even if there is no DNR interest involved. For this to occur, you would be served with this.
What is a third party subpoena?
Watercourse er' no?
What is watercourse?
Defined bed and bank, channelization, and direction of flow.
Can the legislature pass legislation to deed ownership of a natural, navigable lake to a private company or owner? Cite the case that answered this question. Bonus if you know the year.
What is Priewe v WI State Land and Improvement Company?
“The Legislature has no more authority to emancipate itself from the obligation resting upon it which was assumed at the commencement of its statehood, to preserve for the benefit of all the people forever the enjoyment of the navigable waters within its boundaries, than it has to donate the school fund or the state capitol to a private purpose.”
The elevation the first floor of a residential structure would need to be constructed at if located in a flood zone labelled Zone AO (DEPTH 3), per the model floodplain ordinance.
What is 3ft above the highest adjacent grade?
What is the National Park of American Samoa?
Let's say you're bored at work without enough to do so you contact your Supervisor and ask to cover a couple more counties so that you can feel like you're accomplishing something. Seems a little weird and/or crazy, right? My daughter would tell you that you're this....
What is tweaking out?
State regulatory dam er' no?
What is state regulatory dam?
Manmade structure designed to impound water that is constructed across a watercourse.
A form of discovery where one party sends written questions to another party. The responding party must answer the questions under oath.
What is an interrogatory?
Watercourse er' no?
What is er' no?
No defined bed and bank.