General ww1
trench warfare
Gallipoli campaign
the eastern front
the western front

Why did Australia go to WW1?

Australia, as a dominion of the British Empire


What was trench warfare and why was it so terrible?

soldiers had to charge out of the trenches and across no-man's land into a hail of bullets and shrapnel and poison gas


Was the Gallipoli campaign good or bad?

 There were heavy casualties, not only from the fighting, but from the extremely unsanitary conditions.


What happened at the Eastern Front?

Atrocities including beheadings and mass rapes occurred daily.


What happened at the Western Front?

the Allies succeeded in mobilizing a coalition force comprising more than twenty nations with the French and British Armies providing by far the most soldiers and equipment


Who fought in WW1 and why?

Rival alliances


What is the trench warfare?

a type of combat in which the opposing sides attack, counterattack, and defend from relatively permanent systems of trenches dug into the ground.


What happened in the Gallipoli campaign?

A British-French fleet had made several attempts to breach Ottoman defences in the Dardanelles but had suffered a decisive defeat on 18 March 1915.


What was the Eastern Front known for?

 the multi-year Siege of Leningrad and the bloody Battle of Stalingrad


Major Australian Battles on the Western Front

  • 19–20 July 1916 – Battle of Fromelles.
  • 23 July – 3 September 1916 – Battle of Pozieres, including Mouquet Farm.

How did ww1 start and why?

Assassination Sparks War
The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28 June 1914 set off a chain of events that led to war in early August 1914. The


What weapon started trench warfare?

 modern artillery and machine guns


Why was Gallipoli such a failure?

A key reason for these failed attacks were the terrible conditions


Who won the war on the Eastern Front?

the Soviets successfully halted further Axis advance at Stalingrad — the bloodiest battle in the war 


What was the Western Front known for?

Western Front, major theatre of World War I


Why was Australia forced to fight in ww1?

 Australia, as a dominion of the British Empire


What do WW1 trenches look like today?

Today these communication trenches are reinforced with modern decking


Who planned the Gallipoli campaign?

Lieutenant-General Sir Ian Hamilton, commander of the new Mediterranean Expeditionary Force (MEF), assumed responsibility for organising and planning the invasion.


How much of the German army was on the Eastern Front?

75-80 percent


What were the reasons Australians went to war 

they needed a regular pay also wanted to escape from normal life


Why did WW1 actually happen?

The event that sparked the conflagration was the assassination of the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Archduke Franz Ferdinan


What were the 3 main phases of trench warfare?

 frontline trenches, time in the support trenches, and also time resting.


What were the 3 major goals of the Gallipoli campaign?

allow Allied ships to pass through the Dardanelles, capture Constantinople (now Istanbul) and ultimately knock Ottoman Turkey out of the war


What countries are in the Eastern Front?

Russia and Romania (of the Allied and Associated Powers) versus the Central Powers countries of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Bulgaria.


Why did Australian troops find life on the Western Front so difficult?

The Australian Imperial Force experienced fatal gas attacks on the Western Front