People had pride in their own nation, which sometimes made them look down to other nations.
Austria-Hungary held this country responsible for the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
This person assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Gavrilo Princip
Fighting from ditches protected by barbed wire.
trench warfare
The Treaty of Versailles helped establish this.
League of Nations
This caused the United States to enter WW1.
sinking of the Lusitania
These 3 countries formed the Triple Entente.
Russia, France, Britain
He was President during WWI.
Woodrow Wilson
Austria-Hungary delivered to Serbia a series of demands.
July Ultimatum
President Woodrow Wilson delivered a speech in January 1918 called.
Fourteen Points
Countries made agreements to protect each other if they were attacked.
This country issued an ultimatum to Serbia after the assassination.
This was the name of the Serbian nationalist group involved in the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
Black Hand
A military draft.
This treaty officially ended WW1.
Treaty of Versailles
Countries began to expand their militaries and build powerful weapons.
These 3 countries formed the Triple Alliance.
Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary
The assassination of this man was the spark of WW1.
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
A month of unrest around Europe due to the murder of the archduke and his wife.
July Crisis
This event is considered the immediate cause of World War I.
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Countries tried to expand their territory and power by taking control of land in other parts of the world.
This country was NOT initially part of the major powers involved in World War I.
United States
He was the leader of the Black Hand at the time.
Gavrilo Princip
A truce or agreement to end fighting.
This action is what took Germany after declaring war on France.
They demanded passage through Belgium.