The Alliances / Battles and Challenges
Causes of War - 1914
United States Debates and Enters
The Treaty of Versailles
The End of War

Triple Alliance

The prewar alliance system that included Germany, Austria Hungary, and Italy


Militarism (definition and Schlieffen)

The buildup of powerful militaries that involved increases in men and improvements in weaponry. It often led to arms races and strict military plans, like Schlieffen Plan, a German plan for a five-pronged attack through neutral Belgium that would knock out the French and allow Germany to the turn attention to Russia


British Blockade

Affected US trade and decreased American trade with central powers because the British were seizing cargo. Americans were outraged but overtime the increase in trade with Britain made the US see Britain more favorably


The Big Four

Woodrow Wilson of the US

David Lloyd George of UK

Georges Clemenceau of France

Victoria Orlando of Italy 


Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

When Russia became communist, Lenin wanted to get them out of the war. Lenin gave up massive territory, including lands rich in natural resources in order to make peace with Germany. 


Central Powers

In the beginning, Austria-Hungary and Germany. In the end, the Ottomam Empire and Bulgaria Join Central



An agreement of mutual support. The prewar alliance system meant that a local conflict could escalate to a much larger one.


German Submarine Warfare / Sinking of Lusitania 

Ships were sunk and people died. American outrage over German blockade made the Germans stop using their submarines. In May 1915, German u-boat snake British passenger liner Lusitania, killing ~1,200 people


Territorial losses

Germany lost all claims on overseas territories, all landed gained in Treaty of Bresk-Litovsk, and has to demilitarize western border (Rhineland)  


Armistice (definition and date)

An agreement to end fighting

WWI ended on 11/11/1918 (Veteran’s Day)


Allied Powers

In the beginning, UK, France, Russia, Serbia, Montenegro and Belgium. In the end, included US, Italy and several others



A strong belief in the right and superiority of one’s own nation. Led to self determination, the right of an ethnic group to its own territory or nation-state.


Zimmerman Telegram

A German foreign minister Zimmerman proposed that if US entered war, German makes an alliance with Mexico, and Mexico would go to war against the US and gain back lost territories. British leaked to US public and they went ballistic.


War Guild Clause

 Article 231 of the Treaty blames Germany for the war, despite it being Bosnian Serb that killed Fran’s Ferdinand


Wilson’s Plan for Peace - Peace without victory 

Wilson made public the fact that he did not want a harsh peace, and asked for peace without victory to end the war


Characteristics of trench warfare

Long, brutal battles over long periods of time

Heavy artillery shelling and machine gun fire

Causalities in the hundreds of thousands

Very little land gained


Imperial Competition

Competition over influence and control over territory in Asia and Africa. Almost caused war several times before 1914.


Uses of Propoganda

Propaganda were ideas used to help or hurt a cause that was used by all sides to increase support for their war effort. British propaganda in the US helped spread the idea of “Poor Little Belgium,” and turned Americans against the Germans


Payments in return of war. Germany is told to pay 100,000 tons of gold in reparations (~$44 billion)


Wilson’s plans for peace - 14 Points for Peace

Freedom of the seas, an end to secret agreements, limits on armaments, self determination for Poland and others, and the creation of a League of Nations to ensure security and independence of all nations


1918 German Peace Offensive 

Germany was able to take troops from Eastern Front and launch one final attack to win the war on the Western front. They got within miles of Paris but were unable to sustain offense and were clearly losing by September 


Assassination of Archduke 

The murder of Fran’s Ferdinand, hero to the Astro-Hungarian throne by Bosnian-Serbia terror group. Led to the July Crisis, where eventually Alk knowing it had Germany’s full support, declared war on Serbia, activating most of pre-war alliances and beginning the war.


Changes for the homefront / African Americans / Women 

The US drafted soldiers, sold war bonds, encouraged victory gardens, and suppressed free speech with the Sedition and Espionage Acts

On the battlefront, they were mostly put in support roles due to racism. The Harlem Hellfighters earned French military honors.

Women began to take jobs in factories and had support roles in military, never in combat roles. 


American Rejection

The Senate never ratified the Treaty of Versailles because they feared it would violate US tradition of isolationism and drag US into a conflict it had no state in


Wilson’s Plan for Peace - Allied reaction to Wilson’s plans

Internationally, Wilson was an idealist who envisioned the world working together to maintain peace. The other three primary negotiators of Versailles were there to protect their nations interested, and dismissive of Wilson.