MAIN Causes of War
America and WWI
End of the War

One thing that led to WWI was the creation of these between countries where countries made agreements to aide each other if attacked



On the eastern front, the battle of Tannenberg was a major defeat for this allied country who had a large army but whose soldiers were poorly trained



This was the name of the 2.8 million American soldiers who were deployed to Europe during WWI.

Dough boys


Under the Treaty of Versailles, this country got the short end of the stick in the deal for peace. It was forced to pay reparations to the countries it lost to, severely decrease its military, and accept full responsibility for the war.



This term explains the activities of the civilians in a nation at war like paying war bonds or creating weapons to send to the warfront.



One cause that led to WWI was the glorification of war and the creation of new military technology. What was this cause called?



Once America joined the war, they helped to lead the final Allied offensives in the Summer of this year.



This President won his reelection in 1916 by campaigning on keeping America out of the War. He would ask congress to declare war against Germany only a year later, saying, “The world must be made safe for democracy.”

Woodrow Wilson


This was the name of President Woodrow Wilson’s plan for long-lasting peace

14 Points


This is a type of combat in which opposing troops dig routes into the ground to be protected from the enemy's gun fire. There is very little actual battling and very little ground gained by either side.

Trench Warfare


This man’s assassination by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo was the spark that led directly to the start of WW1

 Archduke Franz Ferdinand


This battle between the French and Germans was a long and deadly battle as Germany did their best to take heavy casualties on the French to demoralize Great Britain.



American public opinion on joining the war started to shift after German submarines sunk this American ship, killing about 1,000 people, 100 of which were Americans.



This was the name of the treaty that officially ended WWI.

Treaty of Versailles


This was caused by the bursting shell of heavy artillery and caused tiredness, irritability, giddiness, lack of concentration and headaches, and mental breakdowns. However, most with this were written off as cowards and not given the treatment they needed.



Even before WWI smaller battles broke out over territory due to this system where stronger countries grew stronger by taking over poorer or weaker countries that have important resources.



This battle saw the first use of motorized transport in war but  was a costly ally victory with a high death toll

The Marne


This message from Germany to Mexico proposes an alliance against the US and causes outrage in America. According to the message, if America entered the war to aid the Allies and Mexico attacked the U.S., they would get some U.S. land after winning.

Zimmerman Telegram


After the war, in an attempt to maintain world peace, this organization was created. It gave all members an equal vote and helped to preserve the independence of all its members.

League of Nations


After a total of over 1 million casualties on both sides, Britain gained a measly 5 miles of ground and the conclusion of this Battle which lasted from July-November 1916.

The Somme


Another factor that led to WWI was that many countries during this time period wanted to prove their dominance and power as nations. People had a strong sense of this, which was strong patriotism or loyalty to their country



This battle was fought between Sept 26, 1918-Nov 11, 1918 and was a part of the last allied offensive. In the battle Americans pushed through German defense after 47 days and forced them to retreat.

Battle of the Argonne Forest


At the outbreak of WWI, most of America didn't want to be involved in other countries’ conflicts or were against joining the war. What term describes this sentiment?



Under this system, Great Britain and France split up the territory in the Middle East that use to belong to the Ottoman Empire

Mandate System


This sickness was caused by lice. The first symptoms were shooting pains in the shins and was followed by a very high fever. Although the disease did not kill, it did stop soldiers from fighting.

Trench Fever