Stuff about World War I Stuff
Mr. Mastrovito is Super Smart
Mr Mastrovito interrupts Kanye
1920's Postwar Hangover
I Love School
On May 7, 1915, a German U-Boat sank this British ocean liner which contained 128 Americans
What is The Lusitania?
This term describes the process of European nations building their empires and extending economic and political control over peoples of the world, and is one of the major reasons for the outbreak of WWI.
What is Imperialism?
The President of the United States during World War I.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
The fear of outsiders and prejudice against foreigners that gripped America after WWI
What is Nativism?
A literary and artistic movement celebrating African-American culture
What is the Harlem Renaissance?
One of the main reasons for the outbreak of WWI was devotion to the interests and culture of one's own nation, which is called this.
What is Nationalism?
Name given to the liberated 1920's woman who smoked in public, wore short hair, short dresses and dated.
What is a Flapper?
One of the ways that the U.S. financed WWI was by selling these to the American people, with the help of volunteers and movie stars
What are War Bonds?
The policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs
What is isolationism?
The name for the underground nightclubs that served alcohol during prohibition
What are Speakeasies?
The name of the Austrian Archduke who was assassinated by a Serbian nationalist in June 1914, setting off a chain of events that started the war.
What is Franz Ferdinand?
the underground merchants who smuggled and sold liquor during Prohibition
What is a Bootlegger?
A large-scale movement of hundreds of thousands of southern blacks to cities in the North
What is the Great Migration?
The U.S. president who said "The chief business of the American people is business."
Who is Calvin Coolidge?
2 Italian immigrants accused of murder and burglary on shaky evidence and sentenced to death
Who is Sacco and Vanzetti?
The style of warfare common during World War I in which armies fought from ditches for mere yards of ground
What is trench warfare?
This Treaty created nine new nations and humiliated Germany by requiring large reparations payments to the Allies and prohibiting them from having an army
What is the treaty of Versailles?
As a result of uneven pay between workers and management, increased work hours, and "sped-up" conditions, membership in these increased during the war
What are Labor Unions?
A. Mitchell Palmer and his agents hunted down suspected communists, socialists and anarchists by breaking into private homes and arresting people during these.
What is the Palmer Raids?
A white, southern organization that marched to limit immigrants, Catholics, Jews, and to keep blacks "in their place".
What is the Ku Klux Klan?
The infamous telegram in which Germany proposed Mexico with an offer to help Mexico reclaim lost territory in the southwestern U.S. in exchange for an alliance with Germany against the U.S. in the event of war.
What is the Zimmerman Note?
The Protestant movement that believes in strictly following the Bible, and is skeptical of science
What is Fundamentalism?
A maximum number of immigrants allowed into the county from a given country
What is a quota?
The panic and fear about the spread of communism within the U.S. just after the war was known as this.
What is the Red Scare?
The business boom of the 1920's was good for most industries, except railroads and this.
What is farms?