Battle of the Somme
Battle of Vimy Ridge
Battle of Passchendaele
Battle of Ypres

When did the Battle of the Somme begin?

What is July 1, 1916?


What date did the Battle of Vimy Ridge start?

What is April 9, 1917?

What were the conditions like during the Battle of Passchendaele?

What is horrible, swampy, and muddy conditions?


What year did the Second Battle of Ypres take place?

What is 1915?


What was one reason the Allies faced catastrophic losses at the Battle of the Somme?

What is poor planning and the inability to locate German forces?


Why was Vimy Ridge strategically important?

What is it provided a vantage point over the surrounding countryside.


Who was the commander of the Canadian Corps during the Battle of Passchendaele?

Who is Sir Arthur Currie?


What was significant about the use of gas in the Second Battle of Ypres?

What is it was the first time chlorine gas was used as a weapon in warfare?

How many total casualties were there by the end of the Battle of the Somme?

What is over 1 million total casualties?


Who were the commanders responsible for the successful planning of the battle?

Who is Lieutenant-General Sir Julian Byng and General Arthur Currie?


What was the outcome in terms of casualties for the Allies in the Battle of Passchendaele?

What is about 275,000 Allied casualties?


What was significant about the use of gas for Canadian troops in the Second Battle of Ypres?

What is Canadian troops earned a reputation as reliable and solid soldiers?


What criticism was directed at British generals during the Battle of the Somme?

What is giving pointless orders and not adapting tactics effectively?


How did the Canadian forces prepare for the attack on Vimy Ridge?

What is they planned new tactics and conducted intense training for soldiers?


What preparations did Sir Arthur Currie insist upon before the attack on Passchendaele?

What is he ordered construction of new roads and careful planning for the attack?


Why was Ypres strategically important for the Allies?

What is it protected French sea ports?


What new military technology was introduced during the Battle of the Somme?

What is tanks?


Why is the Battle of Vimy Ridge considered a defining moment for Canada?

What is it symbolized Canadian national pride and a step toward independence from Britain?


What was a significant long-term impact of the Battle of Passchendaele on Canadian troops?

What is it highlighted the extreme costs of war and led to questions about military strategy?


What were the casualty figures for Canadian soldiers in the Second Battle of Ypres?

What is approximately 6,000 Canadian soldiers died?