What is the policy of Neutrality?
These were used to raise money for the war effort
What were Liberty Bonds?
The objective of this Famous WWI poster titled "I Want YOU for the U.S. Army"
What is the recruitment of soldiers?
These Shantytowns were created during the Great Depression.
What are Hoovervilles?
This major critic of the new deal thought we should tax the rich and distribute that money to the rest of the nation so that everyone had the ability to survive in our nation.
Who is Huey P. Long?
Name one reason the U.S. joined WWI.
What is unrestricted submarine warfare?
What is the Zimmerman Telegram?
What is the sinking of the Lusitania?
This group of people were taking over factory jobs, becoming nurses, planting victory gardens, etc.
What are women's contributions to the war effort?
This government agency was in charge of creating wartime propaganda.
What is the Committee on Public Information (CPI)?
This 1929 event triggered the start of the Great Depression.
What was the stock market crash?
This nonpartisan organization's goal was to defend the Constitution and the rights and liberties guaranteed by that Constitution.
What is the American Liberty League?
This slogan by Woodrow Wilson was used in the 1916 election.
What is "He kept us out of war?"
Name a way American's opposed US involvement in WWI.
What is Pacifism?
What are protests?
What are labor strikes?
Name a tool for propaganda used in WWI posters.
What is Emotional Appeal?
What is Demonization?
What is Name-Calling?
What is Patriotic Appeals?
What are Half-Truths or Lies?
What are catchy slogans?
What are Evocative Visual Symbols?
Severe Drought & Dust Storms in the Midwest
What was the Dust Bowl?
This Critic of the New Deal called for a pension plan for the elderly that would later inspire FDR to create the SSA.
Who is Francis Townsend?
This passenger ship sunk by Germany in 1915 caused an uproar in U.S. media.
What is the Lusitania?
Mass movement of African Americans to Northern cities for jobs.
What was the Great Migration?
This administration encouraged Americans to Grow Victory Gardens and conserve food.
What is the United States Food Administration?
This Act was created to provide financial support for the elderly & unemployed.
What is the Social Security Act?
This FDR policy had a lasting impact on America by expanding the role of the Federal Government.
What is the New Deal?
The Zimmerman Telegram influenced U.S. entry into WWI. (HOW?)
What was Germany asking Mexico to attack the U.S. in exchange for land?
These laws punished those who spoke out against the war.
What are the Espionage and Sedition Acts?
This group of people gave short speeches to promote war support.
What are the Four-Minute Men?
These two programs were created to build confidence in the banks and regulate the sockmarket.
What are the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Securities and Exchange Commission?
What is the Court Packing Scheme?