US Enters
US Economy Gender and Race
US Economy Jobs and Supply
Pacific Theatre

This fascist leader was brought into power because of his promises to fix the German economy, oppose communism, and most importantly, his general policy of antisemitism 

Who was Adolf Hitler


The name of this group of people represented a minority of Americans, but included President FDR. They wanted to join WWII

Who were the interventionists 


The acronyms WASP, WAC, and WAVE, were programs that allowed this group to have roles in the military

who are women 

This US government board allocated funds and wartime needs to certain industries, leading to Ford Motors producing planes like the B-24 Bomber. 

What is the War Production Board.

What is the WPB. 


The name of this battle changed the course of the war, putting the US on the offense in against Japan in 1942. 

What is the battle of Midway. 


This president was elected for his New Deal policy in 1933

Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt 


The bombing of this naval base rose tensions between the US and Japan, bringing Americans into WWII

What is Pearl Harbor 


This phrase refers to both a victory in ending racial inequality on the home front, and a victory in ending fascism abroad. 

What is a Double Victory.


These types of locations were known for rapid population growth due to war industry production taking place there. 

What are BoomTowns.


This was the largest US surrender in history, leading Americans and Filipinos on a long 65 mile march deeper into Japanese controlled Philippines. 

What was the Bataan Death March. 


This military leader of Japan worked on a program to create a "New Order in Asia."

Who was General Tojo


The America First Committee had 450 chapters across the country, with over 800,000 active members in 1940. They were in support of...

What is anti-interventionism 

What is isolationism 


This program invited Mexican farmers into the United States to help produce food to increase rations, with the added benefit of stimulating the Mexican economy. 

What is the Bracero Program. 


These men had jobs related to caring for pigeons who would deliver messages during WWII.  

What are pigeoneers. 


This amphibious strategy was employed by General McArthur and Admiral Nimitz to take back islands across the Pacific. 

What was Island Hopping. 


This fascist figure was selected as Premier in 1922 by King Victor Emmanuel 

Who was Benito Mussolini


The Great Depression experienced three trends:

1. the stock market crash in October 1929

2. A rise in unemployment


What is massive deflation


This government program offered free childcare to families that had two working parents in either the military or in industrial factories 

What are War Nurseries. 


WWII cost the US 12 times as much as this war.

What is WWI.


This battle was known as the first successful US amphibian invasion, leading to a death toll of only 7k allied soldiers and 31k axis soldiers. 

What was the Battle of Guadalcanal. 


Through the use of collectivization and a reign of terror, this leader created a famine that killed 10 million people 

Who was Joseph Stalin


This act is named ____, and counteracted the Neutrality Acts of years earlier in the US, allowing FDR to send support to the Allies before joining the war

What is lend-lease 

This order ended racial discrimination in hiring, but did not protect people from racial discrimination in the workplace

What is executive order 8022.


24 million Americans moved across the country to seek jobs in this industry.

What is defense. 


This Japanese word refers to suicide pilots for the Japanese military. It also translates to "divine wind," paying homage to Japanese Shinto faith. 

What is kamikaze.