World War I
World War II-Europe
World War II-Asia
The Home Front WWI
The Home Front WWII
World War I saw little movement of the front lines because this form of war was used.
What is Trench Warfare
Which country signed a non-aggression pact with Germany in 1939?
What is Russia
The two cities destroyed by the American dropped atomic bombs in August of 1945
What are Hiroshima and Nagasaki
World War I saw these 2 groups of people play a much larger role in the U.S. military than in wars part.
Who are African American and Women -African Americans served in segregated units and fought in combat -Women Filled clerical needs are were able to serve in the Army as part of the Army Nursing Corps.
The name given to the top secret operation that created the Atomic bomb
What is The Manhattan Project
What deadly , hard to control, new weapon was introduced in WWI and was quickly banned by all sides in future wars?
What is Poison Gas.
What are the 3 countries that compiled the Axis Powers? (seriously you better know this)
What are Germany, Japan, Italy (name ALL 3 leaders of these countries for bonus $$)
In 1931 Japanese army officials acted without government approval to invade this resource rich Chinese area?
What is Manchuria
This was enacted in order to conserve energy during WWI and is still in use to this day
What is Day Light Savings Time (Spring ahead, fall behind)
Following FDR's death this man became the new President. He was given the unfortunate decision regarding the dropping of the atomic bombs.
Who is Harry Truman
The Treaty of Versailles ended WWI and stated this nation was solely responsibility for causing it?
What is Germany
This failed policy was used by the British and French to avoid another war with Germany?
What is Appeasement
The Japanese lost 6 carriers and majority of their naval fleet in this battle, the turning point in the war in the Pacific.
What is The Battle of Midway
His 14 point plan near the end of World War I was designed to create a lasting peace.
Who is President Wilson
During WWII the United States government sold over $150 million of these to pay for the war?
What are war bonds
What event was considered the spark that started WWI?
What is The Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
The code name for The D-Day invasion
What is Operation Overlord
In early 1942 American troops surrendered in the Philippines . Many lost their lives in a force march called this
What is The Bataan Death March
The mass movement of African Americans from the south to the midwest and north during both World Wars was called what?
What is the Great Migration;The African Americans filled the open factory and production jobs vacated by soldiers.
The name of the European ship carrying 900 Jewish refugees that was denied permission to dock in America.
What is the S.S. St. Louis
This message intercepted by the U.S. stated that If Mexico allied with Germany they would help them regain territory lost to the U.S. (specifically Texas, Arizona and New Mexico) ?
What is The Zimmerman Telegram
The German loss in this battle put them on the defensive and was the turning point of the war in Europe?
What is The Battle of Stalingrad
The slaughter, torture, and rape of hundreds of thousands of Chinese civilians by the Japanese military in 1937 was referred to as this?
What is The Rape of Nanking
This woman was the symbol of the campaign to hire women to work in factories during the War.
Who is Rosie the Riveter
Racism and the fear of spies/sabotage during World War II caused this tragic event which uprooted thousands and forced many to lose their homes and businesses.
What is Japanese Internment